
Records of the West of India Portuguese Guaranteed Railway Company

Newspaper titled 'Heraldo English Edition Vol V No 49 Goa'

Correspondence file regarding early history of the railway

Minute book

2 items

Verbatim reports of annual general meetings

10 items

Correspondence files

3 items


1 item

Correspondence file titled: 'Reserves & bonuses'

1 items

Newspaper titled 'Heraldo English Edition Vol V No 50 Goa'

1 item

Correspondence file titled: 'India Office; Under-Sect. [Secretary] of State'

1 item

Correspondence file regarding surveying and construction

1 item

Correspondence file between the West of India Portuguese Railway [WIPR] and SMR [Southern Mahratta Railway] regarding imposition of tax and duties on goods

1 item

Correspondence file title titled 'Tax on goods in transit'

2 items

Joint representative reports submitted to the Southern Mahattra Railway

2 items

Joint representative reports submitted to the Southern Mahattra Railway

1 item

Correspondence file titled: 'Rates war; Diversion of traffic by SMR [Southern Mahratta Railway]; Through booking; Sea risk in bond; Costa Ricci, letters from 1887-88; Secy. [Secretary] of State, India'

1 items

File titled 'Verbatim Reports'

1 items

Newspaper titled 'Heraldo English Edition Vol V No 51 Goa'

1 item

File titled: 'Verbatim Reports'

2 items

Joint representative reports submitted to the Southern Mahattra Railway

1 item

Loose correspondence and papers

3 items

Joint representative reports submitted to the Southern Mahattra Railway