1 Memorandum of Association of the Association of Independent Railways and Preservation Societies. The Memorandum was prepared during the Association's formation and registration process as a limited liability company. Memorandum of Association
6 minute papers of the Association of Independent Railways and Preservation Societies Board from the yeaars 1996-1998. The Board was convened to discuss administrative matters and review progress made by the Association's committees. 1997 not included. AIRPS Board Minutes
8 Association of Independent Railways and Preservation Societies General Meeting minute booklets (1996-1998). General Meetings were convened to discuss the everyday business of the Association. AIRPS General Meeting Minutes
The condition of the collection is fair. Many of the items, including the minutes are loose or contain loose material. Records of the Association of Independent Railways and Preservation Societies
1 Annual Report booklet (1997) with 'Reports and Accounts' insert. The Report details the achievements and finances of the Association. AIRPS Annual Reports
4 Annual Report booklets (1998-2001), including 'Reports and Accounts' inserts. The Report details the achievements and finances of the Association. HRA Annual Reports