1 large bundle Correspondence with Supply Chain Initiative on Modified Agricultural Crops, Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and Aventis regarding trials
1 item Letter from David Steel at Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs regarding implementation of Cartagena Protocol
2 items Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs copy of "The GM public debate: Lessons learned from the process"
1 item Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs consultation paper on the directive 2001/18/EC
1 report "GM planting regime government reply to report" House of Commons Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
Department of Environment, Technology and Rural Affairs pamphlet "GM Crops: take a closer look" Department of Environment, Technology and Rural Affairs pamphlet "GM Crops: take a closer look"
1 item News release from Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs welcoming the launch of the GM debate plus press cuttings
1 report "GM planting regime 11th report of session 2003-2004" House of Commons Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee
1 item Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs farm scale evaluations paper and briefing pack AEBC/00/5A/13
1 bundle Correspondence with Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) regarding GM oilseed rape trials
1 item Correspondence from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs showing support to farmers participating in GM crop trials
1 item Government response to Agriculture and Environment Biotechnology Commission "Crops on trial" report