Series of black and white photographic prints, ten taken by the photographer Ron Francis on behalf of Ferranti Ltd and two by the Ferranti Ltd Edinburgh Film Unit and Photographic Dept. Photographic prints documenting the development of the Oscillogyro
Black and white photographic print annotated on the reverse: "Experimental Oscillogyro Hinge Hystresis Test Fixture in Foreground, and the Spin Bearing Pre-Load Jig behind, at Ferranti, Bracknell, 1967." Ron Francis Photographic Studio negative 6817/E
Black and white photographic print annotated on the reverse: "Redesigned Experimental Oscillogyro Beam and Central Hinge Assembly, incorporating the Ferranti patent elastic hnge design, first invented for the Research Oscillogyro in 1964." Ron Francis Photographic Studio negative 6817/D
Black and white photographic print annotated on the reverse: "An unsealed Experimental Oscillogyro under test in a Vacuum Bell Jar at Ferranti, Western Road, Clean Room, Bracknell in 1967." Ron Francis Photographic Studio negative 6817/A
Black and white photographic print annotated on the reverse: "Original Experimental Oscillogyro Symetrical Beam and Twin Elastic Hinge Design, that was found to be susceptible to hairline cracks on assembly when tested. This is the first trial assembly incorporating machined plastic parts to prove the basic design and enable some testing to start whilst waiting for long lead special ceramic seals, beam plates and other parts to be delivered from specialist suppliers." Ron Francis Photographic Studio negative 6170/B
Black and white photographic print annotated on the reverse: "One of the 6 Ferranti, Bracknell, manufactured Stage 1 Prototype Oscillogyros Part No BEX/64/1439, S.No 003, prior to delivery in 1971 under Contract KM/3C/2371/CB21D." Ron Francis Photographic Studio negative 8221/A
Black and white photographic print annotated on the reverse: "A sealed Experimental Oscillogyro undergoing An-isoelesticity Vibration Tests at the Environmental Test Laboratory, Bracknell, in 1967." Ron Francis Photographic Studio negative 7284/C
Black and white photographic print annotated on the reverse: "A sealed Experimental Oscillogyro undergoing An-isoelesticity Vibration Tests at the Environmental Test Laboratory, Bracknell, in 1967." Ron Francis Photographic Studio negative 7284/B
Black and white photographic print annotated on the reverse: "A sealed Experimental Oscillogyro undergoing Anisoelesticity Vibration Testing at Ferranti, Bracknell, Environmental Test Laboratory in 1967." Ron Francis Photographic Studio negative 7284/A