1 item Journal article: "Charge-Coupled Imaging Devices: Experimental Results" by G F Amelio, W J Bertram Jr, M F Tompsett, R R Buckley, W J McNamara, J C Mikkelsen Jr and D A Sealer
1 item Journal article: "Self-scanned image sensors based on charge transfer by the Bucket-Brigade Method" by P K Weimer, M G Kovac, F V Shallcross and W S Pike
1 item Photocopy journal article: "Fixed-Pattern Noise in Photomatrices" by Peter J W Noble, Peter W Fry and Robert J Ryecroft
1 item Photocopy journal article: "Charge-Coupled Imaging Devices: Design Considerations" by Gilbert F Amelio, Walter J Bertram Jr and Michael F Tompsett
1 item Journal article: "Charge-Coupled Imaging Devices: Design Considerations" by G F Amelio, W J Bertram Jr and M F Tompsett
1 item Photocopy journal article: "A 180-Stage Integrated Thin-Film Scan Generator" by P K Weimer, G Sadasiv, L Meray-Horvath and W S Homa