
Periodical issues: The Aeroplane Spotter

31 posters, 2 booklets, 3 sets of charts, 8 engineering drawings

Collection of Aircraft Recognition Booklets and Posters

Magazine article from 'The Motor Ship' about the fuel pumps and atomizers used on single- and double-acting airless injection engines, produced by Burmeister and Wain.

Magazine extract - 'B & W Fuel Pumps and Atomizers'

Magazine article from 'The Motor Ship' about fuel injection. Also an article on 'Electricity in British Ships'.

Magazine extract - 'Fuel Injection in Relation to Combustion'

Magazine article from 'The Commercial Motor' about a mechanism to facilitate the running of oil engines on gaseous and liquid fuels, produced by CAV Ltd. Also an article about an injection pump with hydraulic delivery control.

Magazine extract - 'CAV Device for Control of Gas CI Engines'

Magazine extract from 'The Commercial Motor' about the variety of systems employed in controlling injection pumps, how they function, and their distinguishing features.

Magazine extract - 'Oil Engine Governing - Pneumatic and Mechanical'

Magazine extract from 'The Oil Engine' about a new centrifugal governor for controlling idling and maximum speeds, produced by Bryce Ltd.

Magazine extract - 'A New Idling and Maximum -speed Governor'

Reprint of an article published in 'Commercial Motor' by John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E. subtitled 'Road Test: E.R.F.-Highway 24 ton-gross artic'. Article discusses the road test of the Gardner 6LX engine and provides a vehicle specification, test figures and images.

Leaflet: 'Lighter and Better'

Reprint of an article published in 'Motor Transport' by John Dickson-Smith with the tagline 'Results of a trip to Scotland with two Atkinsons'. Article analyses the performance of the 6LXB engine on a trip to Scotland. Includes images, data on fuel consumption and hill-cllimbing abilities.

Leaflet: 'How the 6LXB Performs'

Article from 'The Commercial Motor' by John Savage discussing the potential uses of polyester resins and 'glasspol'.

Document: 'What is this thing called plastics?'

Reprint of an article in 'Motor Transport' magazine about the new 6LX diesel engine.

Magazine extract - 'A 10.45 litre Gardner - Outstanding performance of new six-cylinder diesel engine'

Reprint of an article in 'The Motor Boat' about Gardner Engines, specifically three petrol-paraffin models from 19-48 hp.

Magazine extract - 'Some New Gardner Engines'

Magazine article from 'The Oil Engine' about the post-war production of Simms pumps, injectors and auxiliaries, and the latest manufacturing and testing plant [pages missing].

Magazine extract - 'Fuel-injection Equipment of British Design and Manufacture'

Magazine extract from 'The Motor Ship' about the Richardsons, Westgarth pumps and injection valves used in the latest engines.

Magazine extract - 'The Richardsons, Westgarth Fuel-Injection System'

Extract from 'The Motor Boat and Yachting' magazine about the construction of a boat which contains Gardner 6L3 engines.

Magazine extract - 'Vehicle Carrier for Niger Delta'

Extract from 'The Oil Engine & Gas Turbine' magazine containing an article on lubrication for bearings. Also one on 'Generating Sets for Overseas Duties' and 'Air-Cooled Engines in Bus Service'.

Magazine extract - 'Supplementary Lubrication for Bearings by Injection'