6 boxes

Collection of papers relating to the development of the Ferranti oscillogyro

Series of black and white photographic prints, ten taken by the photographer Ron Francis on behalf of Ferranti Ltd and two by the Ferranti Ltd Edinburgh Film Unit and Photographic Dept.

Photographic prints documenting the development of the Oscillogyro

Black and white photographic print annotated on the reverse: "Experimental Oscillogyro Hinge Hystresis Test Fixture in Foreground, and the Spin Bearing Pre-Load Jig behind, at Ferranti, Bracknell, 1967."

Ron Francis Photographic Studio negative 6817/E

Black and white photographic print annotated on the reverse: "A ferranti Edinburgh Gimbal Cluster to isolate the Accelerometer & Gyro Inner Gimbal Assembly from motion of the aircraft in an Inertial Navigation System."

Ferranti Ltd Edinburgh Film Unit and Photographic Dept negative 2444B

Publication reference AELB383. Final Report for contract KM/3C/2371/CB21D.

Oscillogyro by D W Alford

The reprint is of the paper given by R Whalley and D W Alford.

Ferranti reprint of an AGARD conference paper

6 items

Other reports and conference proceedings relating to the oscillogyro

3 items

Reference papers relating to the First Working Oscillogyro or Research Gyro developed by J W Barnes

The volume contains dated entries for calculations and design considerations using calculus, geometry, algebra and circuit diagrams to record the development of the Experimental Oscillogyro, along with test results and notes from progress meetings.

Experimental Oscillogyro Development and Design Notes and Calculations Book 1

4 items

Manilla wallet relating to the relative merits of the single degree of freedom oscillogyro as compared with the two-axis dynamically tuned Hooke's Joint variant

3 volumes, 2 files

Papers relating to the Ferranti Private Venture Research and the first working oscillogyro

1 volume, 3 files

Other related documents to the Oscillogyro Development

The volume contains tables of test results, evaluation notes, calculations using calculus, trigonometry and algebra, schematic diagrams, development hypotheses, notes on test results and design notes to record possible alternative electromagnetic pick-off and torquer systems for the oscillogyro.

Electromagnetic Pick-Off and Torquer Systems for Oscillogyro Book 1

The front of the volume contains dated entries for calculations and design considerations using calculus, geometry, algebra and circuit diagrams to record the development of the Research Oscillogyro. The back of the volume contains dated entries for test results.

Pre-Experimental Oscillogyro Development Notes and Calculations Book 2

The volume contains dated entries for research notes, schematic diagrams, graphs, calculations using calculus, trigonometry and algebra, circuit diagrams and notes from questions asked by colleagues to record the development of the Prototype Oscillogyro. D W Alford notes that Brian Thrussell took over responsibility for the development of the oscillograph from 1 March 1969, with D W Alford providing support on request as a consultant.

Prototype Oscillogyro Design Notes and Calculations Book 2

The volume contains papers on the conference theme of Inertial Navigation Systems and Components.

AGARD Conference Proceedings No 43

Black and white photographic print annotated on the reverse: "Redesigned Experimental Oscillogyro Beam and Central Hinge Assembly, incorporating the Ferranti patent elastic hnge design, first invented for the Research Oscillogyro in 1964."

Ron Francis Photographic Studio negative 6817/D

Black and white photographic print annotated on the reverse: "An unsealed Experimental Oscillogyro under test in a Vacuum Bell Jar at Ferranti, Western Road, Clean Room, Bracknell in 1967."

Ron Francis Photographic Studio negative 6817/A

Black and white photographic print annotated on the reverse: "Original Experimental Oscillogyro Symetrical Beam and Twin Elastic Hinge Design, that was found to be susceptible to hairline cracks on assembly when tested. This is the first trial assembly incorporating machined plastic parts to prove the basic design and enable some testing to start whilst waiting for long lead special ceramic seals, beam plates and other parts to be delivered from specialist suppliers."

Ron Francis Photographic Studio negative 6170/B

Black and white photographic print annotated on the reverse: "A sealed Experimental Oscillogyro undergoing An-isoelesticity Vibration Tests at the Environmental Test Laboratory, Bracknell, in 1967."

Ron Francis Photographic Studio negative 7284/C

Black and white photographic print annotated on the reverse: "One of the 6 Ferranti, Bracknell, manufactured Stage 1 Prototype Oscillogyros Part No BEX/64/1439, S.No 003, prior to delivery in 1971 under Contract KM/3C/2371/CB21D."

Ron Francis Photographic Studio negative 8221/A

Black and white photographic print annotated on the reverse: "A sealed Experimental Oscillogyro undergoing An-isoelesticity Vibration Tests at the Environmental Test Laboratory, Bracknell, in 1967."

Ron Francis Photographic Studio negative 7284/B

Black and white photographic print annotated on the reverse: "A sealed Experimental Oscillogyro undergoing Anisoelesticity Vibration Testing at Ferranti, Bracknell, Environmental Test Laboratory in 1967."

Ron Francis Photographic Studio negative 7284/A

Black and white photographic print annotated on the reverse: "A Ferranti, Edinburgh, Gyro & Accelerometer Inner Gimbal Cluster for an Inertial Navigation System. This one is for 3 Rate Integration Floatation Gyros to detect motion about 3 axes, plus 2 Accelerometers. The Bracknell designed Experimental Oscillogyros were the same size as the Flotation Gyros."

Ferranti Ltd Edinburgh Film Unit and Photographic Dept negative 2444E

Publication reference AELB267. Final Report for contract KN/3C/1983/CB21d.

Oscillogyro Development by D W Alford

Publication reference AELB134.

Dynamics of the Two Degree of Freedom Oscillogyro by D W Alford and D A Turner

14 items

Reports on the development of the Oscillogyro from the Ferranti Aircraft Equipment Department, Bracknell

Publication reference AELB224. D W Alford notes that the Prototype Oscillogyro referred to in this report was subsequently renamed the Experimental Oscillogyro.

The Design Principle of the Pick-Off and Torquer System for the Prototype Oscillogyro BEX/64/1436 by D W Alford

The file contains correspondence relating to the contract to develop an oscillogyro, minutes and papers of progress meetings, departmental memoranda, and notes on the extension of the contract to modify the oscillogyros. There is a set of time constant graphs filed at the front of the folder.

File relating to Ministry of Technology Contract No. KM/3C/1983/CB21(d) for the Design Manufacture and Testing of three Experimental Oscillogyros

7 items

Folder of notes and graphs for experimental work

3 volumes, 3 files, 1 drawing

Papers relating to the design, manufacture and testing of three Experimental Oscillogyros

The contents of the folder reveal how the first working oscillogyro created by J W Barnes was modified to incorporate capacity pick-offs and torquers, and to try out the Ferranti patent suspension elastic hinge for the first time, recorded in design sketches of 28 September 1964. The majority of sketches in the folder are the carbon copies of Designs Department sheets and record to whom D W Alford sent the sketches. Also included are rough sketches and notes to be read in conjunction with final reports (the AELB reference for each report is provided). There are two diazo copies of schematic drawings loose at the front of the folder. D W Alford has written explanatory notes to the folder on its front cover, noting that its contents supplement the Day Books catalogued as 2022-235/3/2-4.

Folder of engineer sketches and design notes

File of correspondence, research notes and information documents compiled by D W Alford as a consultant on the continued development of the oscillogyro.

File of correspondence on the system aspects of the first stage Prototype Oscillogyro

The front of the volume contains dated entries for calculations and design considerations using vector diagrams, calculus, geometry, algebra and circuit diagrams to record the development of the Research Oscillogyro. The back of the volume contains dated entries for experimental notes.

Pre-Experimental Oscillogyro Development Notes and Calculations Book 3

The front of the volume contains dated entries for calculations and design considerations using calculus, geometry, algebra and circuit diagrams to record the development of the Research Oscillogyro. The back of the volume contains dated entries for test results.

Pre-Experimental Oscillogyro Development Notes and Calculations Book 1

11 items

Manilla wallet of technical bulletins relating to materials used in the oscillogyro development

The progress reports and minutes document the further testing of the three Experimental Oscillogyros covered by the previous contract KM/3C/1983/CB21(d). The new contract that covered the six Prototype Oscillogyros was placed in June 1967 with provision for backdating expenditure to 1 February 1967. D W Alford has written explanatory notes to the folder on its front cover.

Folder of progress reports and meeting minutes for contract KM/3C/2371/CB21D

The folder contains correspondence between D W Alford and colleagues at Ferranti Aircraft Equipment Department, Bracknell, relating to the continued development of six prototype oscillogyros, reports from Ferranti Defence Systems Ltd, Edinburgh, relating to the BAIN contract and further testing of six first stage prototype oscillogyros. D W Alford provided support as a consultant on the project from 1 March 1969. D W Alford has written explanatory notes to the folder on its front cover.

File of post-handover correspondence

90 items

File of Engineer's Copy drawings and test instructions for Prototype Oscillogyro BEX/64/1439

The volume contains dated entries for research notes, schematic diagrams, graphs, circuit diagrams, test results, notes from informal meetings and discussions, and calculations using calculus to record the development of the Prototype Oscillogyro, sometimes referred to as the Miniature Oscillogyro.

Prototype Oscillogyro Design Notes and Calculations Book 1

The volume contains dated entries for calculations and design considerations using calculus, geometry, algebra and circuit diagrams to record the development of the Experimental Oscillogyro, along with test results, cost estimates and notes from telephone conversations.

Experimental Oscillogyro Development and Design Notes and Calculations Book 3

The volume contains dated entries for calculations and design considerations using calculus, geometry, algebra and circuit diagrams to record the development of the Experimental Oscillogyro, along with test results and notes from progress meetings.

Experimental Oscillogyro Development and Design Notes and Calculations Book 2

7 items

Folder of graphs and diagrams for a Theoretical Prototype Oscillogyro

2 volumes, 3 files

Papers relating to the design, manufacture and testing of six Prototype Oscillogyros

Diazo copy of a general arrangement drawing, reference BEX/64/1436, showing the Experimental Oscillogyro.

General Arrangement of Oscillogyro