Colour lithograph. Portrait caricature. "Coaching", Men of the Day No. 377 [Lord Knaresborough, Chairman, North Eastern Railway] / by Ape (i.e. Carlo Pellegrini). Printed by Vincent Brooks, Day and Son, Lith. Illustration (with accompanying text) from 'Vanity Fair', 1887, June 4. Dimensions: 14.4094 x 9.0551 in (366 x 230 mm). Colour lithograph 'Coaching', portrait caricature of Lord Knaresborough, by Carlo Pellegrini, 1887 1887-06-04
Colour lithograph. "The Railway Interest". Portrait caricature of Sir Edward William Watkin by Ape [Carlo Pellegrini]. Signed by Sir Edward Watkin. Printed by Vincent Brooks, Day & Son, Lith. Illustration from 'Vanity Fair'. "The Railway Interest" 1875
Colour lithograph. "Coaching". Portrait caricature of Lord Knaresborough, Chairman, North Eastern Railway, by (Ape). Printed by Vincent Brooks, Day and Son, Lith. Illustration from Vanity Fair, 4 June 1887. Coaching. Portrait caricature of Lord Knaresborough 1887