Positive transparency on film, size 8" x 10", Solar Corona, 1900, May 28, Wadesboro, N. Carolina, E.E. Barnard, Yerkes Expedition Positive transparency on film 1900
Great star cloud in Sagittarius, E.E., Barnard, 1905, June 29 centre of plate, R.A., 17h 56m. decl, -28 degree exposure, 4hr. 53m enlarged 1.9 times, 10-inch Bruce doublet of the Yerkes Observatory Hooker expedition to Mount Wilson, California Great star cloud in Sagittarius 1905
Glass positive:- E.E. Barnard, Mount Wilson Observatory, 1911, November 19, 60-inch Reflector, equivalent focal length, 100ft Glass positive:- E.E. Barnard 1911
Enlarged photographs of the planet Mars, E.E. Barnard, Yerkes Observatory, 1909, September 24th, 16h. 55m. G.M.T. 40-inch refractor, exposure, 4 sec, to 5 sec, Yellow colour screen Enlarged photographs of the planet Mars 1909
Meteor Trail and Comet 1893 IV (Brooks); E.E. Barnard, Lick Observatory; 1893, November 13; 6-inch Willard lens. Focal length, 31in; Exposure, 2 h. 5 . Meteor Trail and Comet 1893 IV (Brooks); E.E. Barnard 1893