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Grown-ups get 25% off Rail Fares - Little Nippers go for only £1

BR(CAS) poster. British Rail Passenger Timetable from 30 September 1991 to 10 May 1992. Couple holding hands as train departs. Printed by Edward Wright Ltd. 1010 x 635mm.

British Railways (Central Advertising Service) poster

BR(CAS) poster for Intercity. Senior Railcard - Special Notice advertising leaflet offering at least one third off most Leisure Fares from 12 May to 9 November 1991. Photograph of leaflet with text above and below. Printed by Edward Wright Ltd. 1010 x 635mm.

British Rail (CAS) poster for Intercity

BR(CAS) poster for Regional Railways. Rail Rovers - Oh, to be in England......, 1992. Photograph of York Minster and Walls with text above and below. Printed by Edward Wright Ltd. 1010 x 635mm.

British Rail (CAS) poster for Regional Railways

Poster published by Advertising Services: British Rail Passenger Timetable 17 May to 3 October 1993. Copies available at main British Rail Stations £7 (2 copies). Edward Wright Ltd. GB0015/PB3.5/3.93-10.93. Presented by British Rail. Format: double royal. Dimensions: 40 x 25 inches, 1016 x 635mm.

British Rail Passenger Timetable


Poster, British Railways (AS) for InterCity. Family Railcard. 'Grown-ups get 25% off Rail Fares - Little Nippers go for only £1' by JM, 1992. Crab family on beach with ship and pier in background. Printed by Edward Wright Limited. 1020 x 640mm.

Grown-ups get 25% off Rail Fares - Little Nippers go for only £1

BR(CAS) poster for Regional Railways. Rail Rovers - Oh, to be in England......, 1992. Photograph of York Minster and Walls with text above and below. Printed by Edward Wright Ltd. 1010 x635mm.

British Rail (CAS) poster for Regional Railways

BR(CAS) poster. British Rail Passenger Timetable from 1 October 1990 to 12 May 1991. Timetable cover with text above. Printed by Edward Wright Ltd. 1010 x 635mm.

British Railways (Central Advertising Service) poster

Poster, British Rail poster, (Discover Britain's Scenic Railways), Picture of train passing through the countryside, Discover Britain's Scenic Railways, To see the best iof britain by train, Pick up a copy of britain's Scenic Rail Journeys' from British Rail, (Other IDs PO5987/A1/indef/SPL).

Discover Britain's Scenic Railways

Poster, British Rail (Inter City), Inter City, February 1989, Featuring painting "Officers Banquet", by the artist "Frans Hals" with text promoting Inter City seat reservations, multi colour painting with black lettering on white background.

Inter City

1989 February

BR(CAS) poster. British Rail Passenger Timetable from 30 September 1991 to 10 May 1992. Couple holding hands as train departs. Printed by Edward Wright Ltd. 1010 x 635mm.

British Railways (Central Advertising Service) poster

BR(CAS) poster. British Rail Passenger Timetable from 1 October 1990 to 12 May 1991. Timetable cover with text above. Printed by Edward Wright Ltd. 1010 x 635mm.

British Railways (Central Advertising Service) poster

BR(CAS) poster for Intercity. Senior Railcard - Special Notice advertising leaflet offering at least one third off most Leisure Fares from 12 May to 9 November 1991. Photograph of leaflet with text above and below. Printed by Edward Wright Ltd. 1010 x 635mm.

Intercity. Senior Railcard - Special Notice


Poster, British Railways (AS) for InterCity. British Rail Passenger Timetable from 28 September 1992 to 16 May 1993. Photograph of columns and roof of new Liverpool Street Station. Printed by Edward Wright Limited. 1020 x 640mm.

British Rail Passenger Timetable September 1992 to May 1993

BR poster. Family Railcard. Relax with a Penguin or Puffin and you'll save up to #5 off a Family Railcard, 1992. Penguins and puffins in carriage with text below. Printed by Edward Wright Limited. 1010 x 635mm.

British Railways poster

BR poster. Family Railcard. Relax with a Penguin or Puffin and you'll save up to #5 off a Family Railcard, 1992. Penguins and puffins in carriage with text below. Printed by Edward Wright Limited. 1010 x 635mm.

British Railways poster

BR(AS) poster for InterCity. British Rail Passenger Timetable from 28 September 1992 to 16 May 1993. Photograph of columns and roof of new Liverpool Street Station. Printed by Edward Wright Limited. 1020 x 640mm.

BR (AS) poster for InterCity

BR(CAS) poster for Regional Railways. British Rail Passenger Timetable, 11 May to 27 September 1992. Photographic view of the new Liverpool Street Station. Printed by Edward Wright Ltd. 1010 x 635mm.

British Rail (CAS) poster for Regional Railways

BR(CAS) poster for Regional Railways. British Rail Passenger Timetable, 11 May to 27 September 1992. Photographic view of the new Liverpool Street Station. Printed by Edward Wright Ltd. 1010 x 635mm.

British Rail (CAS) poster for Regional Railways

Poster published by Advertising Services for Intercity: BR passenger timetable Monday 4 October 1993 to Saturday 28 May 1994. Copies available at main British Rail Staitons. £7.00 (2 copies). 1993. Photograph of ticket hall. Edward Wright Ltd. GB 0018/A3.8.93-5.94. Presented by British Rail. Format: double royal. Dimensions: 40 x 25 inches, 1016 x 635mm.

BR passenger timetable


Poster published by Advertising Services (BRB) for Intercity: Where are you going? Whatever your age, life is a journey worth celebrating. European Year of older people and Solidarity between generations 1993. Senior Railcard. Photograph of family on station platform (2 copies). Edward Wright Ltd. AR0327/A2.5/12.93. Presented by British Rail. Format: double royal. Dimensions: 40 x 25 inches, 1016 x 635mm.

Where are you going?


Poster, CAS (BRB) for Intercity, Executive Ticket, the Ticket that Means Business. 1988. Edward Wright Ltd. No A00092/L/B12/10.88. Format: double royal. Dimensions: 40 x 25 inches, 1016 x 635mm.

Executive Ticket, the Ticket that Means Business


BR Network South East poster, published by Central Advertsing Services: Gatwick Airport where trains meet planes. Illustration of train with aeroplanes flying over it. Edward Wright Ltd. W22263/B5/2490. BRB.

Gatwick Airport - Where Trains Meet Planes

Poster, BR CAS (South) Network South East, Network Away Break ticket, For a few days away or longer. Photograph - family being greeted on station platform 1989. Edward Wright Ltd. B0036\A5\1.89. Format: double royal. Dimensions: 40 x 25 inches, 1016 x 635mm.

network away break ticket poster


Poster, BR CAS (South) Network South East, Network Away Break ticket, For a few days away or longer. Photograph - family being greeted on station platform 1989. Edward Wright Ltd. B0036\A5\1.89. Format: double royal. Dimensions: 40 x 25 inches, 1016 x 635mm.

network away break ticket poster


Poster, British Rail (Inter City) poster, (Luxury Land Cruises), Advertising luxury weekend land cruises to Scotland from £215 (inclusive of travel, meals amd overnight hotel accomodation), Illustrated with photograph of class 40 (?) diesel train in the Highlands, 1987, (Other IDs PO5752/A2/12.87).

Luxury Land Cruises


Poster, British Rail (Inter City), Inter City, February 1989, Featuring painting "Venus with a Mirror" by the artist "Titan" with text promoting Inter City seat reservations, multi colour painting with black lettering on a white background.

Inter City

1989 February