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Take the Family to Chessington Zoo


Poster, British Rail (Western Region), "Capital Bargain Cardiff", circa 1980, away day return Mondays to Saturday Cardiff black print on emerald background, text go by the (blank) train and at similar intervals (blank) minutes past the hour through out the day come by any train the same day for leisure and pleasure.

Capital Bargain Cardiff


Poster, British Rail (Western Region), "Capital Bargain Cardiff" 1980, black printing on royalblue background, text - frequent service with extra trains at morning and evening peek times on Mondays to Saturdays tickets from Sundays onwards for use until Saturday of the same week your premier way to work and home again.

Capital Bargain Cardiff


Poster, British Rail (Western Region), "Pied piper specials to the coast", charcoal line drawing of Pied Piper with following children, text - take a child free for a day by the sea Saturdays and Bank Holidays on a Pied Piper special May to September ask for the folder at sttions and agencies.

Pied piper specials to the coast

Poster, British Rail (Western Region), "Exeter Central and St David's Stations and bus service details", printed in scarlet on white, sketch map of stations roads routes and timetables for buses between stations and City Centre phone number for taxis and sites of public phones.

Exeter Central and St David's Stations and bus service details

Poster, British Railways (Western Region), "Carpark Automatic 70p (Daily upto 1800hrs)", c. 1980 car park automatic, white on blue background.

Carpark Automatic 70p (Daily upto 1800hrs)


Poster, British Railways (Western Region), "Car Park Automatic 60p a day", c. 1980, gives routes and dates when seat reservations are compulsory, diagrammatic representation of routes in black.

Car Park Automatic 60p a day


Poster, British Railways (Western Region) poster, (Train Departures South Greenford, Castle Bar Park, Drayton Green), Until 30 April 1977, (Second class only unless otherwise stated), Timetable information, Printed black on white, 1977.

Train Departures South Greenford, Castle Bar Park, Drayton Green


Poster, British Railways (Western Region) poster, (Information Slough - Windsor Branch Until May 1977), Timetable information, Printed black on white, 1977.

Information Slough - Windsor Branch Until May 1977


Poster, British Railways poster, (Queuing For Tickets), White background, Queuing for tickets is exasperating and can mean you missing, or at best scrambling for your train, Buying a ticket beforehand avoids this bother and enables you to go straight through for your train, How about trying it next time?, It could be better than standing around reading this poster, (Other IDs INDEF).

Queuing For Tickets

Poster, British Railways (Western Region), "High Speed Train Speed for the Seventies", illustrated with photograph of approaching HST, preparing the way - notification of diversionary route, with sketch map, and slightly longer.

High Speed Train


Notice. British Railways (Southern Region). You can go anywhere for only £7. Rail Rover Tickets. 1962. Text on yellow arrow with diagram of SR network below. BR(SR) ref: AD9107/A1/11162. Printed by Expedite Publicity Ltd, London, SE15. Format: double royal, 40 x 25 inches, 1016 x 635mm.

'You Can Go Anywhere for only £7.00' - Rail Rover Tickets.


Poster, British Rail (Western Region), "Facelift - Reading Station", circa 1980, header British Rail logo in shades of orange black printing on yellow background, notification of work on station between 23 June and late September , early October apology for inconvenience to customers.

Facelift - Reading Station


Poster, British Rail (Western Region), "Train Informaton Henley-on-Thames, Shiplake, Wargrave, 5 May 1975 to 2 May 1976", 1975, header and footer scarlet with white lettering, black printing central area white with red and black print, timetable Henley-on-Thames to Paddington to Henley-on-Thames.

Train Informaton Henley-on-Thames, Shiplake, Wargrave, 5 May 1975 to 2 May 1976


Poster, British Rail (Western Region), "Easter Holiday Trains 15-20 April 1976", printed in blue-green on white, time table of trains on Western region routes to be used in conjunction with the current Train Departure Posters.

Easter Holiday Trains 15-20 April 1976


Poster, British Rail (Western Region), "Heathrow and Gatwick Services", illustrated with drawing of railtrack, text - Railway to Runway Rail Air link, main text quotes fares from several Welsh stations Hereford and availability.

Heathrow and Gatwick Services

Poster, British Rail (Western Region), poster, (Railair Link Reading - Heathrow Airport), Timetable of coaches between Reading and Heathrow until 2 May 1976, With prices navy blue with yellow and White, May 1975. Two copies.

Railair Link Reading - Heathrow Airport


Poster, British Railways (Western Region) poster, (Information (for an unstaffed station Bodmin Road, Par and Newquay)), Giving timetables Bodmin Road, Par and Newquay and general travel information valid until 1 May 1976, Text: black on white. 1975.

Information (for an unstaffed station Bodmin Road, Par and Newquay)


Poster, British Rail (Western Region), "Alighting at Hayes", circa 1980, header British Rail logo in shades of orange navy printing on white, notification of charge in operating arangements platform 4 to used instead of platform 3.

Alighting at Hayes


Notice. British Rail (Western Region). Summer Saturday West Country Trains. Compulsory Seat Reservations, 25 June-17 September 1983. White text on purple background. Printed by Expedite Publicity Ltd. Format: double royal. Dimensions: 40 x 25 inches, 1016 x 635mm.

summer saturday west country trains