[Letter] London [to] Mr Goodrich, Portsea or at Mr Peake's Dockyard, Portsmouth/ Sam[ue]l Rehe. [He has received, for Goodrich, the Society of Arts' premium of £65]

Copy [bill] London [to] Navy Commissrs./John Rennie, [for] Cast Iron Diving Bell, [pumps and machinery parts etc Reference to the 'Sheerness Diving Bell'. Bears note re the bell/Goodrich, and note from the Navy Office on verso]

Sketch of diving apparatus as tried by the inventor at the entrance of the basin in Portsmouth Yard

Drawing of forcing pump proposed to be fixed in the salt water well in His Majesty's Dockyard at Portsmouth

Drawing of cast iron pump with wrought iron hoop for wells

Design for the steam engine for metal mills, longitudinal section of foundry

Drawing depicting elevation of the engine and longitudinary section of the engine house for an atmospherical steam engine

Plan for the engine house and boiler for an atmospherical steam engine

Plans, elevations and sections of a circular saw frame and bench made to cut to any angle

Drawing depicting a circular saw frame designed to be operated by foot

Design for slipping wheel and joint to prevent breaking of machinery

Design for an atmospherical engine steam cylinder with air pump, condenser and winding machinery

Plan for an atmospherical engine steam cylinder with air pump, condenser and winding machinery

Elevation and plan of a crane capable of lifting from five to six tons

The rolling-beam of Plan no.1 with a design for providing it with motion

Drawing depicting circular saw bench made to cut to any angle

Ground plan and elevation of a building for the machinery used for making block and pullies at Dunsterville Manufactory

Elevations, section and plan of a moveable steam engine

Design for rebuilding of Albion Mills fire proof, transverse section

Sketch of a pair of small shears for cutting the edges of copper sheets used for the sheating of ships

Drawing of the dam and setting for the wharf at South Dock Pier in Portsmouth

Drawing of part of swing circular saw

Design for rebuilding of Albion Mills fire proof

Plan and section proposed for repairing the Old North Dock at Portsmouth

Drawing of aqueduct over the River Rea

Drawing of a musket pike

Design for the steam engine for metal mills, cross section of foundry

Plans of storehouses and wharfs at New Gun Wharf, Portsmouth

Ground plan of building of Kings Mills at Portsmouth

Design for the steam engine for metal mills, plan of beam engine

Drawing of lathe for turning pins

Copy plan of part of Plymouth Dockyard showing pump houses, drains and dock

Ship plan entitled: Orlop for the 36 Gun Ship building by Mr Barnard in the River Thames

Drawing of engine house, section of boiler seating and stokehole

Lithograph depicting east view of the cast iron bridge under construction over the River Wear at Sunderland

Drawing of boilers of 56 Horse engine

Drawing depicting elements of construction of the iron bridge over the River Wear at Sunderland

Drawings of boiler for 56 Horse steam engine at the Metal Mills, Portsmouth

Ship plan entitled: Quarter deck and Fore Castle for the 36 Gun Ship building by Mr Barnard

Copy sketch of Mr Heppenstall's spinning frame for rope yarn

Ship plan entitled: Gun deck for the 36 Gun Ship building by Mr Barnard in the River Thames

Ship plan entitled: A Draught for Building by Contract by Mr Barnard in the River Thames a Ship to carry 36 Carriage Guns

Plan of iron mill and copper mill showing hammers, boilers and furnaces in the four buildings

Drawing of engine house, cross section

Arrangement for 56 Horse engine and boiler house, plan

Arrangement for 56 Horse engine and boiler house, elevation of foundations

Sketch of pickling furnace by Mr Beach

Drawing of large shears from metal mills, as first made