3 boxes

Papers of J O P Hughes

16 files

Research notes & papers

1 item

British Rail (Western) Progress report, Speed for the Seventies, No. 1

1 item

British Rail (Western) Progress report, Speed for the Seventies, No. 2

13 items

File containing patent specifications

2 items

File containing locomotive data and charts including a diagram showing gradient of routes used for pre-revenue service trials of GT3

37 items

File containing correspondence, tracings, hand drawn sketches, photographs with W G Allen concerning the design of the GT locomotive. Papers include diagrams concerning transmission and drives

2 items

File containing a report in Russian of Gas Turbine Locomotives with electric (a.c.) transmission by S A Gromov and L A Sevcenko and a translated version

1 item

Painting of 19100 Britannic gas turbine locomotive, signed by Allen

8 items

File containing an address to the Rugby Engineering Society regarding the gas turbine locomotive G.T.3, two copies of 'Locomotive Controls' report, a report regarding the English Electric gas turbine locomotive, correspondence to Hughes from Rugby Engeering Society, press release of 'English Electric gas turbine on show' and best recorded performances of steam & diesel-electric locomotives up the 5.5 mile climb from Tebay to Shap summit

24 items

File containing assorted locomotive drawings, charts, correspondence and notes

7 items


2 folders, 2 rolled items


1 item

Booklet, British-Built Gas-Turbine Locomotive, reprinted from the Railway Gazette

1 item

Leaflet, Baldwin steam turbine electric locomotive Chesapeake & Ohio Railway on display at the track exhibit RSMA Convention, Atlantic City

11 items

Printed material

1 item

Drawing of 4500HP gas-turbine electric road freight locomotive

36 items

File containing an article on ‘High Speed Trains Plan – Gas Turbines to halve times’, reports on GT3 fuel and electrical systems, reasons for Gas Turbine not starting, notes of Rubber Spring Gear Development for Railways, Metalstik Limited, locomotive drawings

4 items

File containing notes on discussion on ‘Practical design criteria for high speed bearings’ at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers on 4 March 1955, a magazine articleon the lubrication of gears, a paper 'The Short Bearing Approximation for Plain Journal Bearings and a chart showing viscosity of ‘Shell’ turbo oils vs temperature in degrees C

5 items

Exercise book containing locomotive gear train data, a Christmas card, and correspondence

1 item

Drawing of a gas turbine engine

19 items

File containing correspondence and minutes of meetings with British Transport Commission

3 items


14 items

File containing correspondence and reports on the Union Pacific Railroad Company

7 items

File containing charts demonstrating power input and tractive effort

1 item

Painting of 19000 Lord of the Isles gas turbine locomotive

23 items

File containing GT3 relevant papers

1 item

Painting of a gas turbine locomotive

79 items

File containing correspondence, drawings, charts, reports and photographs

1 item

Lubricating oil diagram for a 4-6-0 gas turbine locomotive

61 items

File containing GT3 lecture notes, correspondence, drawings, charts, reports and a photograph

3 items

Report A.57 of the English Electric Company Limited, 4-6-0 locomotive, analysis of the first and third reduction transmission gears, Gas Turbine Department

1 item

Report A.76, the English Electric Company Limited, E.M. 27P Gas Turbine Heat Exchanger, Gas Turbine Department

1 box, containing 26 items

Glass slides of gas turbine locomotives, components and drawings

1 item

British Railways report, Performance and Efficiency Tests on a Revenue Earning Train, Controlled Road Testing System for Southern Region 1 Co-Co 1, 1750HP main line diesel electric locomotive

1 item

Booklet, English Electric Information Bulletin

4 items

Report, 4-6-0 Locomotive – transmission gear box special fitting instructions

1 item

File containing a 15 page document titled ‘The Gas Turbine Locomotive G.T.3’

3 items

Booklet, The English Electric Company Limited, ‘The Position of the Gas Turbine in Locomotive Engineering’, Gas Turbine Department

1 item

Lubricating oil diagram for a 2700HP gas turbine locomotive

1 item

Drawing of a section through transmission gearbox on CL of main driving axle for a 2700HP gas turbine locomotive type 4-6-0

1 item

Drawing of a section of a locomotive main driving axle

1 item

Drawing of a general arrangement of transmission gearbox, 4-6-0 locomotive

1 item

Booklet, English Electric Limited, Gas Turbine Department, ‘An Express Gas Turbine Locomotive’