Object type
Place of origin

England's Garden Isle - Isle of Wight

Notice, mounted on card, Isle of Wight Railway, "Electric Lighting of Trains Regarding Coupling of Carriages with Lights On", Issued by H.K. Da general manager in October 1912.

Electric Lighting of Trains Regarding Coupling of Carriages with Lights On


Timetable, Isle of Wight Railway,Connection with South Western, Brighton and South Coast, Great Western and North western railways. Dated April 1880. Printed by Butler, Steam printer, Ryde, 1880

Isle of Wight Railway timetable


Programme, Isle Of Wight Railway, "Tourist and Cheap Excursion Bookings from Brading", 1st July to 31st October 1902.

Tourist and Cheap Excursion Bookings from Brading


Train registration time book, Isle of Wight Railway, from Brading Signal Box covering period between February 1909 to June 1910.

Isle of Wight Railway train registration time book


Rule book, Isle of White Railway, By-Laws, Rules, and Regulations, 1864, 84 pages, dark brown hard cover. 4.25 x 5.5 in.

Isle of Wight Railway Rule Book 1864


Book, 'Rules and Regulations for the Conduct of Traffic and for the Guidance of the Officers and Men in the Service of the Isle of Wight Railway Company', Printed by Waterlow & Sons Limited, London, 1st March 1878. .

Rules and Regulations for the Conduct of Traffic and for the Guidance of the Officers and Men in the Service of the Isle of Wight Railway Company


Map, of Isle Wight shewing the Isle of Wight Railway and railways in connection, printed by Waterlow and Sons, 1897.

Map of Isle Wight shewing the Isle of Wight Railway and railways in connection


Rules and regulations, paper and card, Isle of Wight Railway Company, " For the Guidance of the Officers and Men in their Service", printed by John Heywood Limited, Manchester, 1914

Isle of Wight Railway Company rules and regulations 1914