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Thomlinson's equivalent paper slide rule

[Letter] 1849 May 15, London [to] Edwin Clark, Menai / John Rennie. [Introducing representatives from Bremen wishing to inspect Stephenson's great works for the Menai and Conway bridges]

Letter, John Rennie to Edwin Clark, 15 May 1849 [supllied title]


Book, Minutes of Evidence ... on the London and Brighton Railway Bills (Engineering Evidence), by Robert Stephenson, George Bidder, John Rennie and Joseph Locke, published by the House of Commons, printed by Hansard & Sons, 1836, hard covers, 454 pages.

Minutes of Evidence on the London and Brighton Railway Bills


Book, "An historical, practical and theoretical account of the breakwater in Plymouth Sound.", by John Rennie, London, and published by Henry G. Bohn ... and John Weale, 1848. Located at the Science Museum Library at Wroughton. Shelfmark: FF 627.1/.7 RENNIE

Book, "An historical, practical and theoretical account of the breakwater in Plymouth Sound."


Book, "The theory, formation and construction of British and foreign harbours : with one hundred and twenty-three engravings." by Sir John Rennie and published by John Weale, London, 1854. Located at the Science Museum Library at Wroughton. Shelfmark: FF 627.1/.7 RENNIE

Book, "The theory, formation and construction of British and foreign harbours"


Two bays of floor beams, one adjacent to wall and one internal bay, from the fourth floor level of the Quadrangle Storehouse at Sheerness Dockyard, overall size 340’ x 220’ with inner open court, five stories plus basement, designed by Edward Holl and John Rennie, built 1824-1829 and demolished in 1979. Consists of four main beams; twelve cross beams; four columns supporting the beams down to the third-floor level; two stub columns over columns one and two (there are none over columns three and four); stub main beams projecting past columns one and two on the fourth-floor level; two stub roof support beams over the main beam at the wall; one run of five York paving slabs to span between the main beams; as well as 18 accompanying bolts with nuts, and a sling

Sections from Quadrangle Storehouse at Sheerness Dockyard, England, 1824-1979
