On Display
Object type
Place of origin

Portable thermometer screen


Wind tunnel calibration balance


Assmann psychrometer


Experimental screw diameter measuring machine


Concave diffraction grating on speculum metal

1926, May

Punch cards in tray for Pilot ACE computer

circa 1950

Automatic Computing Engine (ACE) pilot model, 1949


Mercury delay line from the ACE computer, NPL


Transmission diffraction grating


Dial gauge testing machine


Slow-speed ACE simulator, 1950



Diagram: Features of Screw Propeller Design

74 boxes and 1 envelope

National Physical Laboratory Archive

9 items

Collection of booklets relating to the history and work of the National Physical Laboratory

3 items

Information leaflets relating to physical measurements

Awarded to F.H. Rogers for taximeter no. 407 for motor cabs, and approving the type represented by it.

Certificate of Examination of a Taximeter

Taper Thread Gauge checking machine, 1934, for the measurement of the thread pitch.

Taper Thread Gauge checking machine

circa 1934

Automatic scale measuring laser interferometer (length comparator)

Automatic scale measuring laser interferometer (length comparator)


Screw pitch measuring machine 3"x7". Designed by N.P.L. and made by G. Cussons Ltd in 1942. Complete with R7/8" standard thread test piece

Screw pitch measuring machine 3"x7"


Two micrometer surface testers used together and with electric bell system to measure divergence from flatness of large plane surfaces; designed and used by Dr. P.E. Shaw for experimental work in 1911.

Micrometer surface testers


Prototype mekometer designed by National Physical Laboratory, 1965-1968

Prototype mekometer, 1965-1968


Gas filled pyrometer standard No. 285, calibrated at the National Physical Laboratory (a specially designed lamp with a metal filament, in a wooden case, probable date 1951.

Gas filled pyrometer standard No. 285

circa 1951

Moving coil galvanometer, made by National Physical Laboratory, England, 1932.

Moving coil galvanometer


Wind Tunnel Calibration Balance

Wind Tunnel Calibration Balance


N.P.L. design horizontal projector by Precision Tool and Instrument Co. Ltd., c. 1945, including 4 1/2in. x 2 1/4in. lens, work stage, 2 shadow protractors 24 thread form templates, wall screen, floor rails, focussing pulleys, 2 cards

N.P.L. design horizontal projector by Precision Tool and Instrument Co. Ltd.


[Printed material, 1924-1957, re history and work of the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington. 9 booklets]

Printed material


Thermal conductivity apparatus for thin discs of insulating materials designed and built at the National Physical Laboratory, England, 1923.

Thermal conductivity apparatus


Cold store dew-point hygrometer, 1921.

Cold store dew-point hygrometer


2 Bench micrometer-heads from a bench type measuring machine,made 1924, by the N.P.L.

2 Bench micrometer-heads from a bench type measuring machine


Demountable gas x-ray tube for crystallography, by the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, England, 1912-1930.

Demountable gas x-ray tube for crystallography


25 Kilobar piston cylinder apparatus designed and constructed at the National Physical Laboratory mid 1960's

25 Kilobar piston cylinder apparatus


1 file

National Physical Laboratory reports and correspondence


ACE Publications.


Photo Negative CS/745. Monochrome 3" x 4"


Photo. Method of machining surface of pilot model drum. Negative No. CS/4338 Monochrome 6" x 8"

A Running Commentary on a Session at an ELDON Terminal. Donald A. Bell.

A Running Commentary on a Session at an ELDON Terminal. Donald A. Bell.

IMP Reference Manual. University of Edinburgh Department of Computer Science. Ref. EMAP/41.5/0011. July 1967.

IMP Reference Manual. University of Edinburgh Department of Computer Science. Ref. EMAP/41.5/0011. July 1967.

Letter from M. Woodger to Mr Willey.

Letter from M. Woodger to Mr Willey.

A Method of Solving Second Order Simultaneous Linear Differential Equations using the Mallock Machine by M.V. Wilkes. Cambridge University Press. April 1940

A Method of Solving Second Order Simultaneous Linear Differential Equations using the Mallock Machine by M.V. Wilkes. Cambridge University Press. April 1940

Electronic Computers in the Aircraft Industry, general programmes File 8/8/02. List of programmes written for Ferranti MK 1 Computer at A.V.Roe & Co. Ltd. Ferranti, summary of programmes for the aircraft industry, List CS 189. English Electric Aviation Ltd, Analysis of Damped Oscillations, Experimental use of the Difference Equation Method. Note No. 17. Bristol Aircraft Ltd. A List of programmes prepared or under development by the mathematical services for the Duce Digital Computer, Issue 2. Paper: Polynomial Interpretive Program (P.I.P.) British Aircraft Corporation, report No. 44.

Electronic Computers in the Aircraft Industry, general programmes File 8/8/02. List of programmes written for Ferranti MK 1 Computer at A.V.Roe & Co. Ltd. Ferranti, summary of programmes for the aircraft industry, List CS 189. English Electric Aviation Ltd, Analysis of Damped Oscillations, Experimental use of the Difference Equation Method. Note No. 17. Bristol Aircraft Ltd. A List of programmes prepared or under development by the mathematical services for the Duce Digital Computer, Issue 2. Paper: Polynomial Interpretive Program (P.I.P.) British Aircraft Corporation, report No. 44.

Letter from Dr P. Naur to M. Woodger.

Letter from Dr P. Naur to M. Woodger.


Function box drawing

Handwritten notes.

Handwritten notes.


Drawing: Logical Arrangements of A.C.E. Drum Store CME 11089

Programming Languages edited by F. Genuys.

Programming Languages edited by F. Genuys.


Photo N.P.L. Jubilee. Exhibition at Burlington House, January 1950. Monochrome 6" x 6"

Letter from B. Langefors.

Letter from B. Langefors.


Processing long delay line stores

Letter from Barry Mailloux, University of Alberta, August 1973.

Letter from Barry Mailloux, University of Alberta, August 1973.

Letter from M. Woodger to Dr H. Zemanek.

Letter from M. Woodger to Dr H. Zemanek.