Object type
Place of origin

Aerosol bottle of asthma inhalant, Kent, England, 1960-1975


Clear glass bottle containing a glass corked phial of atropine opthalmic tablets, and a glass corked phial of cocaine hydrchloride opthalmic tablets. Both phials are complete with content. Cocaine Hydrochloride phial is inscribed: 'OPTHALMIC TABLETS / (Ferris) Ref OC 2. / COCAIN. HYDROCH., / 1/50gr. / POISON / Ferris & Co. Ld. [sic] Bristol.'. Phials made by Ferris and Co. Ltd., Bristol. English, 1890-1900.

Glass bottle containing a phial of adrenaline opthalmic tablets, and a phial of cocaine hydrchloride opthalmic tablets.


Cardboard box containing: 6 boxes of strychnine sulphate hypodermic tablets in glass phials, 1 box of physostigmine sulphate hypodermic tablets in a glass phial, 1 box of digitalin and strychnine hypodermic tablets in a glass phial, 1 box of strophanthan hypodermic tablets in a glass phial, 2 boxes of sparteine sulphate hypodermic tablets in glass phials, one glass phial of strychnine sulphate, 8 small hypodermic tablets phials containing strychnine sulphate, 1 small glass phial of hypodermic tablets of mercuric chloride (calomel), 1 small glass phial of hypodermic tablets containing ergotinine citrate, 1 large glass phial of hypodermic tablets of adrenaline, 1 large glass phial of hypodermic tablets of aconite cryst., 1 small glass phial with hypodermic tablets of strophanthin. Despite label on outer box, does not contain any controlled drugs such as apomorphine. English, twentieth century

Box containing strychnine sulphate tablets