4 individual blister packs each with four tablets of Codis (aspirin and codeine phosphate), professional sample. 80 mm x 80 mm 7g. Back label on packet reads, 'Each tablet contains Asprigin B.P. 500 mg and Codeine/Phosphate Ph. Eu. 8mg./ For the relief of pain, including headaches, neuralgia/ period pains, toothache, and symptoms of cols/ influenza and feverish conditions./...' Produced by Reckitt and Colman, Hull, England, 1970-1985. Sample packet of 'Codis' 1970-1985
Experimental photo-electric radiation pyrometer, temperature indicator. Designed by T. C. Keeley at the Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford, England, 1920-33. Photo-Electric Radiation Pyrometer (Temperature Indicator), 1920-33 1920-1933
Model of Solar Maximum Mission satellite spacecraft, scale 1:6. Original made in the United States, 1980. Model of Solar Maximum mission satellite, United States, c. 1980 1980 (original)