Piece of amadou tinder covered in fine brown powder enclosed in circular metal box with glass lid top 1801-1900
Piece of amadou tinder resembling chamois leather with one rough side, English, 19th century Piece of amadou tinder resembling chamois leather with one rough side 1801-1900
Strip of amadou fusee matches, divided into ten individual match stems but joined at base, English, 1832-1860 Strip of amadou fusee matches 1832-1860
Circular amadou discs, hole through centre, round the hole is inflaming mixture, for tinder used in amorce lighter, probably, French, 1870-1920 Circular amadou discs 1870-1920
Small piece of amadon fungus tinder, a plain white envelope, English, 19th century Small piece of amadon fungus tinder 1801-1900
Envelope containing strip of fusee matches, amadou fungus oblong strip divided into ten individual matches but joined at the base, phosphorus blobs at tip, made in Berlin, East Germany, 1832-1860 Envelope containing strip of fusee matches 1832-1860