Clock, 9" dial, fusee movement, British Railways, No. 6611, Roman face with red arabic numerals for 24 hour use, ex York Yard North signing-on point. Dial clock, British Railways
Mantel clock, ornate black marble case, arabic numerals, brass plate inscribed "Presented to Mr. R. Dawson by the Gentleman Farmers and others in the neighbourhood of Shipton on his retiring as Stationmaster which he has filled so satisfactorily for a period of 32 years. February 27th 1894". Mantel clock, presented to retiring stationmaster of Shipton
Pocket Watch, East & West Yorkshire Union Railway, steel Arabic numerals in red, by Medana. On reverse "E & WYUR 1413" (minute hand detached). Pocket watch, East & West Yorkshire Junction Railway
Wristwatch, BR, "Smiths de Luxe 16 Jewels, shockproof". Arabic numerals 12,3,6 & 9, others just lines. Gold watch on black leather strap. "British Railways. J.H. Hart. In appreciation of 45 years service. 1 1/4" diam. Wrist watch, British Railways - presented to J H Hart for 45 years service
Ladies wristwatch, BR, Ladies gold wristwatch by Tudor, inscribed on reverse "British Railways Miss M. Bridge. In appreciation of 40 years of service". Arabic facet, inset second hand Ladies wrist watch, British Railways - presented to Miss M Bridge for 40 years service
Clock, suspended type, double-faced, BR(M), No 22739, ex Chester No 2 Signal box, Roman faces with 24 hour Arabic numerals added later Double faced clock, BR(M)