Bottle for diphtheria and pertussis vaccine, with instructions, in original carton, by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., London, 1952 Bottle for diphtheria and pertussis vaccine 1952
Bottle of ethyl chloride for use as a local anaesthetic, with box, made by Duncan, Flockhart and Co. Ltd., British, 1950 Bottle of ethyl chloride for use as a local anaesthetic 1950
Bottle of "Hemoplastin", with instructions, in original carton, by Parke, Davis and Co., USA, c.1947 Bottle of "Hemoplastin" 1945-1949
Bottle for insulin, with instructions in original carton, by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., English, 1926 Bottle for insulin 1926
Bottle for insulin, with instructions, in original carton, by the Wellcome Foundation Ltd. , English Bottle for insulin
Bottle for insulin, with instructions, in original carton, by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., English, 1940 Bottle for insulin 1940
Bottle of, insulin, with instructions, in original carton, by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., English, 1943 Bottle of 1943
Bottle of insulin with instructions, in original carton, by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., English, 1943 Bottle of insulin with instructions 1943
Bottle of "Cortelan" with instructions in original carton, by Glaxo Laboratories Ltd., English, c.1962 Bottle of "Cortelan" with instructions in original carton 1960-1964
Bottle of insulin with instructions, in original carton, by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., English, 1965 Bottle of insulin with instructions 1965
Bottle of "Hemoplastin", with instructions, in original carton, by Parke, Davis and Co., USA, 1949 Bottle of "Hemoplastin" 1949
Bottle, glass, with cap, metal ring, for gamma globulin solution, anti-vaccinal, with contents, in box, prepared by Lister Institute, English, 1963 Bottle for gamma globulin solution
Bottle of haemostatic serum, with instructions, in original carton, by parke, Davis and Co., USA, c 1921 Bottle of haemostatic serum 1919-1922
Bottle of nasal drops with instructions, in original carton, by Sharp and Dohme Ltd., London, 1950-1965 Bottle of nasal drops with instructions 1950-1965
Bottle for insulin, with instructions,in original carton, by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., English, 1934 or 1939 (carton dated 6/7/34 or 6/7/39) Bottle for insulin 1934
Bottle for insulin, with instructions, in original carton, by the Wellcome Foundation Ltd. , English Bottle for insulin
Bottle for insulin, with instructions, in original carton, by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., English, 1923 Bottle for insulin 1923
Bottle of globin zinc insulin with instructions, in Burroughs Wellcome and Co., English, 1943 Bottle of globin zinc insulin with instructions 1943
Bottle of insulin, with instructions, in original carton, by the British Drug Houses, Ltd. , and Allen and Hanburys Ltd., English, 1950 Bottle of insulin 1950
Bottle of protamine zinc insulin, with instructions in original carton, by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., English, 1943 Bottle of protamine zinc insulin 1943
Bottle of globin zinc insulin, with instructions, in original carton, by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., English, 1943 Bottle of globin zinc insulin 1943
Bottle of insulin, with instructions, in original carton, by Burroughs Wellcome and Co., English, 1943 Bottle of insulin 1943
Bottle of "Soluthricin" concentrate, in original carton, by Sharp and Dohme, USA Bottle of "Soluthricin" concentrate
DVial of 'Wellcome' brand concentrated tetanus antitoxin, 2000 units, for veterinary use, in original box with instructions, by Burroughs Wellcome & Co, 6 March 1944 DVial of 'Wellcome' brand concentrated tetanus antitoxin 1944
Dropper bottle of 'Neo-Ferrum', with instructions, in original carton, by the Crookes Laboratories Ltd., Park Royal, London, NW10, England. Dropper bottle of 'Neo-Ferrum'
Bottle, glass, with cap, metal ring, for gamma globulin solution, with contents, in box, prepared by Lister Institute, English, 1963 Bottle for gamma globulin solution