Cambridge multi-channel recording outfit using photographic paper recording method, by Cambridge Instrument Co., 1956 Cambridge multi-channel recording outfit using photographic paper recording method 1956
Vickers M41 photoplan microscope with power pack and instruction booklet Vickers M41 photoplan microscope 1975-1980
Portable apparatus for continuous administration of Pentothal, Major Dennis Dunnill's design, by Down Bros., 23 Park Hill Rise, Croydon, England, 1935-1945. Portable apparatus for continuous administration of Pentothal 1935-1945
Pulse analyser type N102, by Dynatron Radio Ltd., Maidenhead, 1950-1960 Pulse analyser type N102 1951-1960
Cossor-Robertson electrocardiograph machine, purportedly the first kind to allow direct visual observation and a permanent record of the pulse, by A.C.Cossor Ltd., 32 Corsica Street, London, N5, England, 1930-1950. Cossor-Robertson electrocardiograph machine 1930-1950
Junior electrocardiograph machine, portable, recordings made on photographic paper, supplied by Sierex Ltd., London, made by Elema-Jarnh, Stockholm, 1945-1955 Junior electrocardiograph machine 1945-1955
Electrically illuminated liquid prismatic compass by Kelvin, Bottomley and Baird, early 20th century Surveying compass, British, 1913-1920 1913-1920
Electrocardiograph machine, portable and with own trolley and accessories, 4-lead model, recordings made on photographic paper, by General Radiological Ltd., London, 1945-1952 Electrocardiograph machine 1945-1952
Analogue drum transport system by Dresser SIE, Houston, 1965, for transcription of data from analogue to digital tapes Analogue Drum Transport System by Dresser SIE 1965