Object type
Place of origin

Haemoglobinometer, filter paper


Teaching wallchart, illustrating six stages in the intracellular development of the malaria parasite from St.George's Hospital, London, late 19th-early 20th century

Teaching wallchart


Teaching wallchart, eight plates, illustrating intracellular development of the parasite, from St.George's Hospital, London, late 19th-early 20th century

Teaching wallchart


Sixteen channel electroencephalograph comprising control panel, plotter, input box and cables, by Beckman Instruments, Inc. (Offner Division), Illinois, USA, late 1970s. Donated by J.D. Edridge of Specialised Laboratory Equipment, Croydon. May include input / head box.

Sixteen channel electroencephalograph comprising control panel


Maddox wing test instrument, made by Weiss, London, 1920-1937

Maddox wing test instrument


Eight channel electroencephalograph comprising lead selector calibrator, amplifier and plotter by Beckman (Offner Division), Illinois, USA., late 1970s

Eight channel electroencephalograph comprising lead selector calibrator


Chart showing two foetal positions in utero, German

Chart showing two foetal positions in utero

Anatomical chart showing position of the foetus during birth

Anatomical chart, foetus position during birth

Anatomical chart showing front and back views of skeleton, bones numbered, with some tendons shown, by Frohse, edited by Max Broedel, early 20th century, made in America

Anatomical chart showing skeleton front and back


Chart showing views of uterus with foetus in breech positions, German, 1901-1950

Chart showing views of uterus with foetus in breech positions


Chart showing cross-section of female torso through uterus, with foetus, German, 1901-1950

Chart showing cross-section of female torso through uterus


Chart showing circulation of the blood in the foetus and new-born infant

Chart showing blood circulation in foetus and newborn infant


Chart showing anatomy of the pelvis, German, 1901-1950

Chart showing anatomy of the pelvis


Chart showing anatomy of the uterus and ovaries, German, 1901-1950

Chart showing anatomy of the uterus and ovaries


Chart showing size of female abdomen during pregnancy, German, 1901-1950

Chart showing size of female abdomen during pregnancy


Teaching wallchart, illustrating six stages in the intracellular development of the malaria parasite, from St.George's Hospital, London, late 19th-early 20th century

Teaching wallchart


Teaching wallchart, illustrating three stages in the development of the flagellated body of quartan malaria from St.George's Hospital, London, late 19th-early 20th century

Teaching wallchart


Teaching wallchart, illustrating three stages in the development of the flagellated body of tertian malaria, from St.Georg' s Hospital, London, late 19th-early 20th century

Teaching wallchart


Eight channel electroencephalograph comprising lead selector calibrator, amplifier and plotter by Beckman (Offner Division), Illinois, USA., late 1970s. Almost identical to 1980-1415/2 except slightly newer and includes maintenance records in cabinet underneath main apparatus.

Eight channel electroencephalograph comprising lead selector calibrator


Chart showing two possible positions of twins in the uterus, German, 1901-1950

Chart showing two possible positions of twins in the womb


Chart showing the position of the amniotic sac throughout pregnancy, German, 1901-1950

Chart showing amniotic sac position


Chart showing anatomy of the female pelvis, side view, German, 1901-1950

Chart showing anatomy of the female pelvis
