Object type
Place of origin
125ml glass bottle, in original box, two-thirds full of Benylin with codeine syrup (diphenhydramine hydrochloride, codeine phosphate, chloroform, and menthol. Bottle: 120 mm x 45 mm diameter, 239g. Produced by Parke Davis, Wales, 1970-1985.

125ml glass bottle of Benylin with codeine syrup


125ml glass bottle, in original box, of Phensedyl cough linctus (promethazine hydrochloride, codeine phosphate and ephedrine). 115 mm x 50 mm diameter, 289 g. Made by May and Baker, 1970-1985.

125ml glass bottle of Phensedyl cough linctus


Glass bottle with plastic lid of 'Orthoxicol' cough syrup ( methoxyphenamine, codeine, and sodium citrate), with traces remaining. 190 mm x 72 mm diameter, 388 g. By Upjohn of England Ltd., English, 1940-1970.

Bottle of Orthoxicol Cough Syrup


Glass bottle of BROVON ELIXIR (codeine phosphate, methyl-atropine nitrate, ephedrine hydrochloride),complete with contents, a preparation for the treatment of coughing, asthma, and bronchitis. Height 155 mm; Width 55 mm; Depth 30 mm; weight 282g. Made by Moore Medicinal Product Ltd. of Aberdeen. Scottish 1950-1975.

Bottle of Brovon Elixir


Amber glass bottle of 'Somnytic' tablets with cork stopper. 102mm x 38 mm x 22 mm, 64g. Printed label reads, 'TABELLAE/No. 232a./Somnytic/Malourea Sodium grs. 2 1/2/ Phenacetin 2 1/4/ Codein gr. 1/4/POISON/PHILIP HARRIS & CO. (1913) LD./...' Distributed by Phillip Harris and Co. Ltd., English

Bottle of 'Somnytic' pills

Carton of 16 physicians sample packs of 2 Veganin tablets (aspirin, paracetamol, and codeine) each. 45 mm x 83 mm x 44 mm, 34g. Produced by Wm. R. Warner, English, 1960-1980.

Carton of 8 physicians samples of Veganin tablets


Glass bottle with plastic lid half-full of Orthoxicol cough syrup (codeine, methoxyphenamine). 102 mm x 40 mm diameter, 139 g. By Upjohn of England Ltd. of Crawley, Sussex, English, 1950-1975.

Bottle of Orthoxicol cough syrup


Two amber glass bottles of aspirin, phenacetin and codeine tablets with bakelite lids. 86mm x 40 mm x 27 mm. Both bottles are labled with a cream printed label with black type face, ' 25/ Compressed tablets/ No. 726/ ASPIRIN/PHENACETIN/AND CODEINE/...Dose: 1 to 2 tablets/...Hounslow near London. One bottle is full of tablets which have become crystallised and weighs 81 g. The other bottle contains only 3 tablets, which are in better condition. Contents indicate the pills would have been used as pain relievers. Phenacetin was one of the first non-opiate analgestics on the market. Made by Parke, Davis and Co., Ltd., English, 1910-1940.

Two bottles of aspirin, phenacetin and codeine tablets


One plastic container of 500 'Co-dydramol' (paracetamol and dihydrocodeine) tablets. 134 mm x 79 mm. Printed label reads, '500/ CO-DYDRAMOL/ Dihydrocodeine and/ paracetamol tablets/ (PARAMOL)/ DOSE/ Analgesia: Adults and children over/ 12 years-one tablet every four hours.../Antitussive: 1 tablet every four hours.../ Duncan Flockhart & Co. Ltd/... ' Manufactured by Duncan Flockhart, Ealing, London, 1960-1985.

Plastic container of 500 'Co-dydramol' tablets


Canister of 'Codoforme Botol' tablets (Codeine), complete with contents. Instructions on canister for dosages relating to both adults and children. Height 67 mm x diameter 27 mm, weight 19g. Inscribed: 'CODOFORME/BOTOL/20 TABLETS / ... / CODEIN... B.P. 1948 gr. 1 7 / .../ TINCT. BELLAD. B.P. m. 2/CONTINENTAL LABORATORIES LTD./101, Great Russell Street,/LONDON, W.C.1/...'. by Continental Laboratories Ltd., 101 Great Russell Street, London, WC1, England. English, 1950-1970.

Canister of 'Codeforme Botol' tablets


125ml glass bottle, in original box, of Phensedyl cough linctus (promethazine hydrochloride, codeine phosphate and ephedrine). 115 mm x 50 mm diameter, 289 g. Made by May and Baker, 1970-1985.

125ml glass bottle of Phensedyl cough linctus


125ml unopened glass bottle, in original box, full of Benylin with codeine syrup (diphenhydramine hydrochloride, codeine phosphate, chloroform, and menthol. Bottle: 120 mm x 45 mm diameter, 273 g. Produced by Parke Davis, Wales, 1970-1985. Stamp indicates this bottle was dispensed by R.T. Christopher in Bradford-on-Avon

125ml unopened glass bottle of Benylin with codeine syrup


Metal tube in original carton of 20 Antoin 'soluble analgesic' tablets (aspirin, codeine, caffeine). 20 mm x 95 mm x 20 mm, 19g. Produced by Cox-Continental, English, 1960-1985.

Metal tube in original carton of 20 Antoin 'soluble analgesic' tablets


Three glass tubes (two in original cardboard cartons) of 'Delton' compound Salicylamide tablets with blue plastic lids. 20 mm x 70 mm x 20 mm, 17g (each). 10 tablets containing Salicylamide, Phenacetin, Caffeine, and Codeine Phosphate. Interior label reads, 'DELTON/ compound/ Salicylamide Tablets/.../For relieving the pain of rheumatism, toothache, headache etc. and checking colds, coughs and influenza/....' Small white chemists labels on the cartons show that each packet of tablets was sold for 10p. Manufactured by Harrogate Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Wales, 1960-1980 and prescribed by B. Marks (Chemists) Clevedon.

3 glass tubes (2 in packets) of Delton compound Salicylamide


5 phials of dihydrocodeine tartrate (known as the DF 118 injection) in original carton with information leaflet. Box; 55mm x 55mm; ampoule 50mm long. Each small phial is stamped in red with, 'BDH 1.1 ml/ DF 118/ 50 mg in 1 ml/ POISON' and the outer carton is labeled, ' 5 ampoules of 1.1 ml/ BDH/ DF118/ injection/ Dihydrocodeine/ tartrate BPC/...' British Drug Houses Ltd., England, 1972.

5 phials of dihydrocodeine tartrate (known as the DF 118 injection)


Glass dish of codeine alkaloid lumps. 20 mm x 57 mm diameter, 52 g. Handwritten label reads, ' CODEINE.' Unknown maker, unknown origin, possibly 19th century.

Glass dish of codeine alkaloid lumps. 20 mm x 57 mm diameter, label reads: 'CODEINE'


Glass bottle with glass stopper and chamois covering full of Codeine and Glycerine jelly.113 mm x 56 mm diameter, 303 g. Produced Savory and Moore Ltd., English

Glass bottle of Codeine and Glycerine Jelly

Glass clinical sample tube for 15 'Pardale' tablets (paracetamol, codeine, caffeine) with 2 tablets remaining. 73 mm x 20 mm diameter, 15 g. Produced by Dales Pharmaceuticals Ltd., English, 1960-1980.

Tube of Pardale tablets


Glass 500 ml bottle of Linctifed expectorant, (pseudophedrine sulphate, codeine phosphate, triprolidine, guaiphenesin), half-full. 200 mm x 70 mm diameter, 756g. By Burroughs Wellcome and Co., London, 1960-1985.

Glass 500 ml bottle of Linctifed expectorant, half-full. 200 mm x 70 mm diameter


Professional sample of 40 Syndol 'Analgesic tablets' (paracetamol, codeine and caffeine) in strips of four, unopened. 48 mm x 49 mm x 63 mm, 44g. Made by Merrell, English, 1970-1985.

Carton, with 10 strips of 4 Syndol tablets


4 individual blister packs each with four tablets of Codis (aspirin and codeine phosphate), professional sample. 80 mm x 80 mm 7g. Back label on packet reads, 'Each tablet contains Asprigin B.P. 500 mg and Codeine/Phosphate Ph. Eu. 8mg./ For the relief of pain, including headaches, neuralgia/ period pains, toothache, and symptoms of cols/ influenza and feverish conditions./...' Produced by Reckitt and Colman, Hull, England, 1970-1985.

Sample packet of 'Codis'


Pack of 2x30ml bottles in box, professional sample, of Dimotane and Codeine paediatric expectorant (guaiphenesin, phenylephrine, phenylpropanolamine, brompheniramine,codeine). 87 mm x 63 mm x 32 mm, 171g. Made by A.H. Robins, English, 1970-1985.

Pack of 2 x 30ml bottles in box, professional sample, of Dimotane and Codeine paediatric expectorant


Carton for 12 Panadeine Co. tablets (paracetamol and codeine),contains 20 tablets in blister packs. 87 mm x 70 mm x 15 mm, 23g. Produced by WinPharm, English, expires 1987.

Panadeine Co. tablets (paracetamol and codeine), 20 tablets in blister packs


Carton of syndol tablets (paracetamol and codeine), 3 x blister packets inside carton, each containing 10 tablets (30 in total). Height 34 mm x width 109 mm x depth 48 mm, weight 34g. Carton inscribed: 'Syndol/ Analgesic Tablets / 50 Tablets in Strips of 10/ Merrell/ .../ Paracetamol BP 450mg/ Codeine Phosphate BP 10mg / Decapryn / (Doxylamine Succinate USNF) 5mg / Caffine BP 30mg / .../Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals Limited,/ Meadowbank, Bath Road, Hounslow, / Middlesex, England.'. Manufactured by Merrell Dow, Hounslow, Middlesex. English, 1970-1985.

Carton containing three blister packets, each of 10 'Syndol/ Analgesic' tablets. Height 34 mm x width 109 mm x depth 48 mm


Amber glass dispensing bottle containing 100 tablets of 'Ocosed' (Acetylsalicylic acid, Phenacetin, Codeine Phosphate, Caffeine).100 mm x 55 mm x 30 mm, 195g. Manufactured by Oppenheimer, Son & Co. Ltd., London, 1940-1970.

Bottle containing 100 tablets of 'Oscosed' tablets


Carton for 12 blister pack tablets (6 remaining) of Hypontablets (aspirin, codeine and caffeine). 100 mm x 70 mm x 15 mm, 11g. Produced by Wellcome Foundation Ltd., English, expires 1985.

Hypontablets (aspirin, codeine and caffeine)


Glass bottle with bakelite bottle of Somnased tablets (barbital, aspirin, codeine). 90 mm x 36 mm x 28 mm, 76 g. Manufactured by Duncan, Flockhart and Co., English, 1940.

Bottle of Somnased tablets


Glass vial with cork stopper sealed with wax, containing chemical preparation of Codeine. 40 mm x 22 mm diamter, .02 kg., from a set of specimens of pharmacological substances associated with Pierre Joseph Pelletier (1788 - 1842), Paris, France, 1820-1900

Glass vial with cork stopper sealed with wax, containing chemical preparation of Codeine. 40 mm x 22 mm diameter


Small glass bottle with bakelite lid, with battered box, of Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne (Morphine, Chloroform, Codeine, Peppermint, Capsicum). 80 mm x 26 mm x 26 mm, 44 g. Manufactured by J.T. Davenport Ltd., London, 1930-1955.

Bottle of Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne


One 500 ml glass bottle (half-full) with plastic lid containing Paeriatric 'Linctified' Expectorant (Triprolidine, pseudophedrine, guaiphenesin, codeine). 190 mm x 70 mm diameter, 838 g. By Burroughs Wellcome and Co., London, 1960-1985.

500 ml glass bottle (half-full) with plastic lid containing Paeriatric 'Linctified' Expectorant. 190 mm x 70 mm diameter


Canister of 'Codasphen' tablets (Codeine Phosphate). Height 81 mm x diameter 23 mm, weight 18g. Inscribed: 'EXTRA RAPID / ANALGESIC Codasphen TABLETS / 15 Tablets containing: / Codeine Phosphate 1/8 gr. / ... / FOR HEADACHE . NEURALGIA. COLDS . INFLUENZA . RHEUMATISM . ETC. / MOORE MEDICINAL PRODUCTS LTD./ABERDEEN SCOTLAND'. Made by Moore Medicinal Products Ltd., Aberdeen. Scottish, 1950-1970.

Canister of Codasphen tablets
