On Display
Object type
Place of origin

Semi ovoid vessel with no handles

618-906 CE

Metal vinaigrette


Silver filigree pomander

Silver gilt perfume case

Perfume bottle

Ring, engraved with man, staff and snake

Metal finger ring

Metal statue


Stone amulet

Engraved metal spatula with scoop at other end

Six silver rings, joined by metal bars

Silver finger ring


Plaque, possibly amuletic

Finger ring, metal, six small stones, one large


Ring seal, man attending to the sick

Gold finger ring and seal, engraved with man attending to the leg of another

Finger ring, silver, metal skull with faceted crystals for eyes

Finger ring, metal, with receptacle for relics


Finger ring, gold, cornelian,engraved with male, female, skeleton and cherub

Gold finger ring and seal, engraved with Diana of Ephesus

Finger ring, metal, globular brown stone

Toadstone only, from a finger ring

Metal memento mori finger ring

Metal betrothal and amulet ring

Metal amulet and betrothal ring, three pear shape settings

Finger ring, silver, globular green stone

Bloodstone amuletic brooch


Dental burnisher with a bloodstone mineral head, France, 1780-1820


Chatelaine bearing selection of instruments

Pulse Fission Detector, c 1996


Metal finger ring

Metal finger ring with red stone

Silver finger ring, white translucent stone

Metal finger ring with turquoise stone

Metal finger ring with yellow stone

Metal finger ring

Single stranded necklace

Metal amulet and ring

Silver gilt finger ring a hunting charm with 3 pear-shaped bezels set with stag's tooth probably Hungarian or Austrian


Oval ston only

Metal finger ring


9 unmounted abrasive discs


Plaque depicting the five Dhyani Buddhas


Finger ring, gold, mauve stone engraved with head of hippocrates

Finger ring, gold, transparent stone with picture of a saint beneath it

Ring, stone bears image of Aesculapius

Finger ring, brass, stone engraved with cock next to a staff

Finger ring, gold, setting bears an engraving of Hippocrates

Metal finger ring with receptacle and hinged lid, lid bears engraved design depicting a cross and possibly a church, the rest of the ring is decorated with applied metal decoration

Finger ring, metal, figure of eight setting