Bottle of Seville orange water, La Giralda, sold as a nostrum for many complaints, by de Tena, Seville, Spain, 1928 Bottle of Seville orange water 1928
Specimen bottle of palm oil, by Price's Patent Candle Co., London, 1860-1910 Specimen bottle of palm oil 1860-1910
Specimen bottle of "Belmont Sperm" treated palm oil, by Price's Patent Candle Co., London, 1860-1910 Specimen bottle of "Belmont Sperm" treated palm oil 1860-1910
Specimen bottle of treated palm oil, by Price's Patent Candle Co., London, 1860-1910 Specimen bottle of treated palm oil 1860-1910
Specimen bottle of treated palm oil from West Africa, by Price's Patent Candle Co., London, 1860-1910 Specimen bottle of treated palm oil from West Africa 1860-1910
Specimen bottle of treated palm oil, by Price's Patent Candle Co., London, 1860-1910 Specimen bottle of treated palm oil 1860-1910
English glass pharmacy bottle, 18th-19th century English glass pharmacy bottle, 18th-19th century 1750-1900
Bottle, ruby glass, trace contents, for Jerusalem balsam, English, probably late 17th-18th century Bottle, ruby glass 1650-1800