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Cast iron hospital bed


"Black Beauty" Gas Cooker


Cast iron saucepan, English, 1880-1940


Cast iron saucepan with 2 gallon capacity


Circular electric hot plate for domestic cooking


Cast iron frying pan with pouring lip


Cast iron cottage range to fit inside conventional chimney place, with oven containing internal revolving plate, L-shape boiler, all heated on principle of conduction, 1860-1930

Cast iron cottage range to fit inside conventional chimney place


"Stimex" combination gas range no. 8706, of cast iron construction with 7-radiant gas fire, Stimson's patent University hot water circulator, boiler, lagged oven, grill, 3 boiling burners and enamel drip tray, by Stimex Gas Stove Co. Ltd., 1922

Stimex' combination gas cooking range, fire and water circulator, 1922.


"Tortoise" cast iron solid fuel slow combustion stove, for room heatin g, small model, by C. Portway of Halstead, Essex, 1900-1940

"Tortoise" cast iron solid fuel slow combustion stove


"Yukon" portable cast iron gas stove, with four non-aerated burners to provide heat by convection, with ornate top but non-original viewing window, by the General Gas Apparatus Co, English, 1890-1910

"Yukon" portable cast iron gas stove


Domestic cast iron register grate, of type designed in mid 19th century to prevent large amounts of warmed room air going up the chimney, instead allowing only smoke to escape, installed in back room in Lionel Rothschild's house at 148 Piccadilly, London, in 1859

Domestic cast iron Register grate

circa 1859

Metro' gas cooker no. 370750, designed for South Metropolitan Gas Company, cast iron construction with oven, grill, two hob rings, plate rack and enamelled splash back and oven linings, intended for hiring out to new consumers, 1920-1925

Metro' gas cooker no. 370750, c. 1920.


Ornate cast iron cylindrical slow combustion stove, with removeable lid so that it can function as a cooker, and with integral wrought iron cylinder for coke or coal, English, 1860-1900

Ornate cast iron cylindrical slow combustion stove


"Embassy" flueless gas fire providing radiant and convected heat, with 2 Argand burners, copper reflectors and cast iron construction, Engli sh, 1910-1930

"Embassy" flueless gas fire providing radiant and convected heat


GEC 'Magnet' electric cooker, cast iron with steel trim and hinges. Grill, oven, and two cast-metal hotplates with enclosed elements. Rotary switch controls made in the USA by The Hart & Hegeman Manufacturing Co., 1910-1920.

GEC 'Magnet' electric cooker


Domestic weighing scales, J.G. and Co., c.1900, English

Domestic weighing scales, c.1900, English


Cast iron poker and poker-stand with Tudor rose decoration, English, 1 900-1970

Cast iron poker and poker-stand with Tudor rose decoration


Portable cast iron gas fire with 8 tufted asbestos radiants, whereby t he asbestos held by the firebricks scintillated in the gas flames but the combustion gases were discharged into the room, ornate semicircular shape with rear flue, by T. Fletcher of Warrington, 1880-1900

Portable cast iron gas fire with 8 tufted asbestos radiants


Cast iron gas-fired water-filled radiator with 8 sections, whereby each section is filled with water which is not circulated but which is heated by burners underneath (burners missing), for use in shops and offices, by John Wright and Co, Birmingham, 1900-1920.

Cast iron gas-fired water-filled radiator with 8 sections


Cast iron converter for converting a coal grate into a gas fire, with 12 burners above which radiant cobbles would be placed, by Fletcher Ru ssell and Co, Warrington, 1890-1920

Cast iron converter for converting a coal grate into a gas fire


Ornate cast iron gas fire with separate pivoted gas ring and trivet for a kettle or pan, and fire with 10 radiants (not original), patent no 18995, by John Wright of Essex Works, Aston, Birmingham, 1900-1920

Ornate cast iron gas fire with separate pivoted gas ring and trivet for a kettle or pan


Burge's Patent downward burning stove for eliminating smoky chimneys and safely producing more heat from less fuel, comprising ornate cast iron vase with handles, perforated lid, grate and rear flue, patent no. 3752, 1813, by William Burge, Bristol, 1813-1820

Burge's Patent downward burning stove for eliminating smoky chimneys and safely producing more heat from less fuel


Cast iron pressure cooker of 4 quart capacity, with latches to secure the lid and steam release safety valve in centre of lid, by E. Pugh & Co., Wednesbury, Staffordshire, 1850-1870

Cast iron pressure cooker, c. 1860.


Microtome no.15102 by Reichert of Vienna, supplied by Shandon Scientific Company, London, circa 1950

Microtome no.15102 by Reichert of Vienna


Free standing ornate cast iron stove with gothic motifs, with large op en grate on two opposite sides, built for Winchester College hall to r eplace old open hearth, known as "Simon and Jude" because it was lit o n this Saints' Day each year, in use until 1961, by J. Oldham, England , 1821

Free standing ornate cast iron stove with gothic motifs


"Omega" portable ornate cast iron convection gas fire, unr-shaped and flueless with complex interior ventialtion system, single bunsen burne r and removeable lid, probably English, 1890-1920

"Omega" portable ornate cast iron convection gas fire


No. 4 "Universal" gas cooker regd. no. 7165, by R. & A. Main Ltd. of Glasgow, cast iron construction with non-aerated oven, and hob with aerated grill and two rings, 1885-1890

No. 4 "Universal" gas cooker regd. no. 7165


"Magnet" electric cooker HO920, cast iron with enamelled drip tray and nickel-plated hob, with three hotplates, grill, plate warming compartment and oven with enamelled linings and double glass door, with 2-pin socket for additional electrical appliances, by General Electric Company, English, 1925-1930

GEC 'Magnet' electric cooker


Cast iron paraffin table cooking stove, with two large flat wicks and mica viewing window, decorated in ornate shell and foliage pattern, English, 1880-1900

Cast iron paraffin table cooking stove
