Plaster casts of hands of Mme Brienet of Paris for casting her horoscope in 1866 Plaster casts of hands of Mme Brienet of Paris 1866
Plaster copy of early C19 bust of the French physicist Augustine Fresnel Plaster copy of bust of Augustine Fresnel 1810-1820
Plaster model of C16 European alchemical water kettle, 1942 Plaster model of 16th century European alchemical water kettle 1942
Carved wood-and-plaster gilt open work decorative pillar, probably from a pharmacy, European, 18th century Carved wood-and-plaster gilt open work decorative pillar 1700-1800
Seated statue (copy) of chief Egyptian physician Nin-ankh-re, 6th Dynasty, Egypt, 2600-2400BC Seated statue (copy) of chief Egyptian physician Nin-ankh-re 2600-2400 BCE
Plaster copy of mid 19th century bust of the French physiologist Claude Bernard (1813-1878) as a young man, John Evan Thomas. Portrait bust of French physiologist Claude Bernard (1813-1878) 1849