Object type
Place of origin
Glass bottle containing distilled water, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, unsigned, 1930-1940

Glass bottle containing distilled water


Glass bottle, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, unsigned, 1930-1940

Glass bottle


Hydrometer, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, unsigned, 1930-1940

Hydrometer, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield


Red litmus paper, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, unsigned, 1930-1940

Red litmus paper


Double threaded brass collar, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, unsigned, 1930-1940

Double threaded brass collar


Sugar in corked glass tube, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, unsigned, 1930-1940

Sugar in corked glass tube


4 swabs on brass corked rods in glass tubes, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, unsigned, 1930-1940

4 swabs on brass corked rods in glass tubes


10 glass slides, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, unsigned, 1930-1940

10 glass slides


10 needles, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, unsigned, 1930-1940

10 needles


3 steel probes, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, unsigned, 1930-1940

3 steel probes


5 dropper handles (2 rubber and 3 plastic), from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, unsigned, 1930-1940

5 dropper handles (2 rubber and 3 plastic)


3 steel blades made in switzerland, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, unsigned, 1930-1940

3 steel blades made in switzerland


2 crayons (one blue and one red), from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, unsigned, 1930-1940

2 crayons (one blue and one red)


4 unmarked glass ampoules containing colourless liquid, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, unsigned, 1930-1940

4 glass ampoules containing colourless liquid


4 glass phials, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, unsigned, 1930-1940

4 glass phials


3 strands of non-magnetic wire, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, unsigned, 1930-1940

3 strands of non-magnetic wire


Glass micrometer, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, Carl Zeiss, Jena, Germany, 1930-1940

Glass micrometer


Glass haemocytometer, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, by C. Zeiss, Jena, Germany, 1930-1940

Glass haemocytometer


Tinted glass ampoule containing iron and arsenic, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, by W. Martindale, London, England, 1930-1940

Tinted glass ampoule containing iron and arsenic


2 glass tubes with rubber bungs, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, by Hawksley, London, England, 1930-1940

2 glass tubes with rubber bungs


7 glass test tubes, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, by Monax, Scotland, 1930-1940

7 glass test tubes


Glass haemocytometer designed by Thoma, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, by Hawksley, London, England, 1930-1940

Glass haemocytometer designed by Thoma


Glass tube with rubber bung, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, by Hawksley & Sons, London, England, 1930-1940

Glass tube with rubber bung


Comparator, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, by Hawksley, London, England, 1930-1940

Comparator, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield


Black clothes peg, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, Everlasting Clothes Peg, England, 1930-1940

Black clothes peg


Magnifier in leather case, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, by E, Leitz, Wetzlar, Germany, 1930-1940

Magnifier in leather case


Wooden case for the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, including 4 drawers and a test tube rack, unsigned, 1930-1940

Wooden case for the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield


Glass syringe, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, by Becton, Dickinson and Co., USA, 1930-1940

Glass syringe


Magnifier in leather case, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, by Carl Zeiss, Jena, Germany, 1930-1940

Magnifier in leather case


Glass bottle containing an orange liquid, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, unsigned, 1930-1940

Glass bottle containing an orange liquid


Glass bottle containing diluting fluid, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, unsigned, 1930-1940

Glass bottle containing diluting fluid


5 bandages, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, unsigned, 1930-1940

5 bandages


2 glass ampoules, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, unsigned, 1930-1940

2 glass ampoules


Glass funnel, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, unsigned, 1930-1940

Glass funnel


Neutral litmus paper, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, by Johnson and Sons, Hendon, London, 1930-1940

Neutral litmus paper


Wick inside a screw topped container, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, unsigned, 1930-1940

Wick inside a screw topped container


Rectangular glass block, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, unsigned, 1930-1940

Rectangular glass block


Watch glass, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, unsigned, 1930-1940

Watch glass


Rubber support block for 3 test tubes, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, unsigned, 1930-1940

Rubber support block for 3 test tubes


3 elastic bands, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, unsigned, 1930-1940

3 elastic bands


Rubber tubing and bungs, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, unsigned, 1930-1940

Rubber tubing and bungs


3 steel safety pins, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, unsigned, 1930-1940

3 steel safety pins


6 steel blades, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, unsigned, 1930-1940

6 steel blades


Pumice, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, unsigned, 1930-1940

Pumice, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield


Glass haemocytometer, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, E. Leitz, Wetzlar, Germany, 1930-1940

Glass haemocytometer


Ampoule containing iodine tincture, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, by Burroughs, Wellcome and Co., London, England, 1930-1940

Ampoule containing iodine tincture


Open topped glass capillary, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, by Hawksley & Sons, London, England, 1930-1940

Open topped glass capillary


Box containing a compound monocular microscope, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, by C. Baker, London, England, 1930-1940

Box containing a compound monocular microscope


Corked test tube containing sodium nitroprusside, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, unsigned, 1930-1940

Corked test tube containing sodium nitroprusside


Corked test tube containing potassium oxalate, from the portable laboratory owned by Dr. H.G Butterfield, unsigned, 1930-1940

Corked test tube containing potassium oxalate
