Object type
Place of origin
Glass bottle, rectangular, with glass stopper, for 'Dr. Gregory’s Stomachic Powder’, British, 1850-1870. The bottle is from Dr. John Grigor’s (medical practitioner) medicine chest, Nairn, Nairnshire, Scotland.

Bottle, for 'Dr. Gregory’s Stomachic Powder', belonging to Dr. Grigor, Nairn, Scotland

Glass bottle, with glass stopper, for 'Colocynth (or) Dr. Gregory’s Pills', dispensed by Grant & Donald Chemists, Aberdeen, Scotland, 1850-1870. The bottle is from Dr. John Grigor’s (medical practitioner) medicine chest, Nairn, Nairnshire, Scotland.

Bottle, for '...Dr. Gregory’s Pills', belonging to Dr. Grigor, Nairn, Scotland

Glass bottle, with chamois leather stopper cap, for 'Liquor Secalis', dispensed by Grant & Donald Chemists, Aberdeen, Scotland, 1850-1870. The bottle is from Dr. John Grigor’s (medical practitioner) medicine chest, Nairn, Nairnshire, Scotland.

Bottle, for 'Liquor Secalis', belonging to Dr. Grigor, Nairn, Scotland

Glass bottle with glass stopped, labelled 'blue pills' containing brown pills, British, 1850-1870. The object(s) is from Dr. John Grigor’s (medical practitioner) medicine chest, Nairn, Nairnshire, Scotland.

Bottle, for 'blue pills', belonging to Dr. Grigor, Nairn, Scotland


Glass bottle, tall, rectangular, with glass stopper, for 'Sweet Spirit of Nitre', dispensed by Grant & Donald Chemists, Aberdeen, Scotland, 1850-1870. The bottle is from Dr. John Grigor’s (medical practitioner) medicine chest, Nairn, Nairnshire, Scotland.

Bottle, for 'Sweet Spirit of Nitre', belonging to Dr. Grigor, Nairn, Scotland

Glass bottle, rectangular, with chamois leather stopper cap, for 'Grey Powder', dispensed by Grant & Donald Chemists, Aberdeen, Scotland, 1850-1870. The bottle is from Dr. John Grigor’s (medical practitioner) medicine chest, Nairn, Nairnshire, Scotland.

Bottle, for 'Grey Powder', belonging to Dr. Grigor, Nairn, Scotland

Glass bottle, rectangular, with glass stopper, for 'Chloroform', British, 1850-1870. The bottle is from Dr. John Grigor’s (medical practitioner) medicine chest, Nairn, Nairnshire, Scotland.

Bottle, for 'Chloroform', belonging to Dr. Grigor, Nairn, Scotland

Glass bottle, rectangular, lid broken, for 'Essence of…’, British, 1850-1870. The bottle is from Dr. John Grigor’s (medical practitioner) medicine chest, Nairn, Nairnshire, Scotland.

Bottle, for 'Essence of…’, belonging to Dr. Grigor, Nairn, Scotland

Glass bottle, with glass stopper, for 'Calomel Pills 3 gr', dispensed by Grant & Donald Chemists, Aberdeen, Scotland, 1850-1870. The bottle is from Dr. John Grigor’s (medical practitioner) medicine chest, Nairn, Nairnshire, Scotland.

Bottle, for 'Calomel Pills 3 gr', belonging to Dr. Grigor, Nairn, Scotland

Glass bottle, rectangular, with glass stopper, for '… of. Ginger..’, British, 1850-1870. The bottle is from Dr. John Grigor’s (medical practitioner) medicine chest, Nairn, Nairnshire, Scotland.

Bottle, for '… of. Ginger..’, belonging to Dr. Grigor, Nairn, Scotland

Glass bottle, rectangular, with glass stopper, empty and unlabelled, unsigned, British, 1850-1870. The bottle is from Dr. John Grigor’s (medical practitioner) medicine chest, Nairn, Nairnshire, Scotland.

Bottle, unlabelled, belonging to Dr. Grigor, Nairn, Scotland

Glass bottle, with glass stopper, for 'Pulv. Ipecac. Co.', residue of powder, dispensed by Grant & Donald Chemists, Aberdeen, Scotland, 1850-1870. The bottle is from Dr. John Grigor’s (medical practitioner) medicine chest, Nairn, Nairnshire, Scotland.

Bottle, for 'Pulv. Ipecac. Co.', belonging to Dr. Grigor, Nairn, Scotland

Glass bottle, with glass stopper, for ‘Paregoric’, dispensed by Grant & Donald Chemists, Aberdeen, Scotland, 1850-1870. The bottle is from Dr. John Grigor’s (medical practitioner) medicine chest, Nairn, Nairnshire, Scotland.

Bottle, for ‘Paregoric’, belonging to Dr. Grigor, Nairn, Scotland

Medicine chest, oak, fully fitted with bottle compartments and drawer, by S. Maw & Sons, London, England, 1864. The medicine chest belonged to Dr. John Grigor (medical practitioner), Nairn, Nairnshire, Scotland.

Medicine chest, oak, belonging to Dr. Grigor, Nairn, Scotland


Glass bottle with glass stopper for Solution of Muriate of Morphia, dispensed by Grant & Donald Chemists, Aberdeen, Scotland, 1850-1870. The bottle is from Dr. John Grigor’s (medical practitioner) medicine chest, Nairn, Nairnshire, Scotland.

Bottle, for Solution of Muriate of Morphia, belonging to Dr. Grigor, Nairn, Scotland


Glass bottle, with glass stopper, for 'Pulv. Ipecacurara', full of powder, dispensed by Grant & Donald Chemists, Aberdeen, Scotland, 1850-1870. The bottle is from Dr. John Grigor’s (medical practitioner) medicine chest, Nairn, Nairnshire, Scotland.

Bottle, for 'Pulv. Ipecacurara', belonging to Dr. Grigor, Nairn, Scotland

Glass bottle, rectangular, with glass stopper, for '… Hydrocyanic…', unsigned, British, 1850-1870. The bottle is from Dr. John Grigor’s (medical practitioner) medicine chest, Nairn, Nairnshire, Scotland.

Bottle, for '… Hydrocyanic…', belonging to Dr. Grigor, Nairn, Scotland

Pieces of oak, by S. Maw & Sons, London, England, 1854-1864, and chamois leather, British, 1850-1870. The oak and the chamois leather are from Dr. John Grigor’s (medical practitioner) medicine chest, Nairn, Nairnshire, Scotland.

Pieces of oak and chamois leather, belonging to Dr. Grigor, Nairn, Scotland


Glass bottle, rectangular, with glass stopper, for 'Just. Emetor', dispensed by Grant & Donald Chemists, Aberdeen, Scotland, 1850-1870. The bottle is from Dr. John Grigor’s (medical practitioner) medicine chest, Nairn, Nairnshire, Scotland.

Bottle, for 'Just. Emetor', belonging to Dr. Grigor, Nairn, Scotland

Glass bottle, square, with chamois leather stopper cap, for 'The Genuine James’ Fever Powder (Introduced A.D. 1746.), Newbery and Sons, St. Paul’s Churchyard, London', England, 1850-1870. The bottle is from Dr. John Grigor’s (medical practitioner) medicine chest, Nairn, Nairnshire, Scotland.

Bottle, for 'The Genuine James’ Fever Powder, belonging to Dr. Grigor, Nairn, Scotland

Glass bottle, rectangular, with glass stopper, for '…rb of Potash… …bonate of ,,po…', , dispensed by Grant & Donald Chemists, Aberdeen, Scotland, 1850-1870. The bottle is from Dr. John Grigor’s (medical practitioner) medicine chest, Nairn, Nairnshire, Scotland.

Bottle, for '…rb of Potash… …bonate of ,,po…', belonging to Dr. Grigor, Nairn, Scotland

Glass bottle, rectangular, with glass stopper, empty and unlabelled, unsigned, British, 1850-1870. The bottle is from Dr. John Grigor’s (medical practitioner) medicine chest, Nairn, Nairnshire, Scotland.

Bottle, unlabelled, belonging to Dr. Grigor, Nairn, Scotland

Glass bottle, with glass stopper, for 'Calomel', dispensed by Grant & Donald Chemists, Aberdeen, Scotland, 1850-1870. The bottle is from Dr. John Grigor’s (medical practitioner) medicine chest, Nairn, Nairnshire, Scotland.

Bottle, for 'Calomel', belonging to Dr. Grigor, Nairn, Scotland

Glass bottle, with glass stopper, for 'Scamm.n..', dispensed by Grant & Donald Chemists, Aberdeen, Scotland, 1850-1870. The bottle is from Dr. John Grigor’s (medical practitioner) medicine chest, Nairn, Nairnshire, Scotland.

Bottle, with glass stopper, for 'Scamm.n..', belonging to Dr. Grigor, Nairn, Scotland

Glass bottle, with chamois leather stopper cap, for '…rtaric A… ', British, 1850-1870. The bottle is from Dr. John Grigor’s (medical practitioner) medicine chest, Nairn, Nairnshire, Scotland.

Bottle, for '…rtaric A… ', belonging to Dr. Grigor, Nairn, Scotland

Glass bottle with glass stopper and chamois covering secured with string full of powdered opium (Pulv. Opii), dispensed by Grant & Donald Chemists, Aberdeen, Scotland, 1850-1870. The bottle is from Dr. John Grigor’s (medical practitioner) medicine chest, Nairn, Nairnshire, Scotland.

Bottle, for powdered opium, belonging to Dr. Grigor, Nairn, Scotland


Glass bottle with glass stopper and chamois covering (detached), of 1 gr. opium tablets, dispensed by Grant & Donald Chemists, Aberdeen, Scotland, 1850-1870. The bottle is from Dr. John Grigor’s (medical practitioner) medicine chest, Nairn, Nairnshire, Scotland.

Bottle, for opium tablets, belonging to Dr. Grigor, Nairn, Scotland


Glass bottle, with glass stopper, for Dr. J. Collis Browne's patented Chlorodyne (morphine and chloroform), dispensed by J.T. Davenport, London, England, 1850-1870. The bottle is from Dr. John Grigor’s (medical practitioner) medicine chest, Nairn, Nairnshire, Scotland.

Square bottle, for Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne, belonging to Dr. Grigor, Nairn, Scotland
