On Display
Object type
Place of origin
Bottle, labelled "Soloid' brand 'Corrosive Sublimate' (Hydrarg. Perchlor.)'. The bottle is red in colour, opaque, and square in shape. Second label reading 'Corrosive Sublimate gr. 8.75' stuck to the objects beneath the neck of the bottle. Sealed with a round stopper. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Bottle labelled to contain corrosive sublimate


Oblong wooden insert of box with ovoid openings at either end for handles, and no lid. Inside, divided into 40 compartments or sections. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Wooden insert for medicine chest


Square paper packet, with attached label reading 'Needles'. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Paper packet labelled to contain needles


Cylindrical container, labelled "Soloid' brand Alum'. The container is black in colour, opaque, and square in shape. 'Alum Gr: 10' written in red letters around the rim of the container. Sealed with a lid. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Cylindrical container labelled to contain alum


Bottle, labelled "Tabloid' brand Iron and Arsenic Compound'. The bottle is black in colour, opaque, and square in shape. 'Iron & Arsen: Co:' written in white lettering beneath the neck of the bottle. Sealed with a round stopper. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Bottle labelled to contain an iron and arsenic compound


Bottle, labelled "Tabloid' brand Ammoniated Quinine'. The bottle is black in colour, opaque, and square in shape. 'Ammontd. Quinine' written in white lettering beneath the neck of the bottle. Sealed with a round stopper. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Glass bottle labelled to contain Ammoniated Quinine


Bottle, stuck to the bottom of the medicine chest. The bottle is black in colour, opaque, and square in shape. 'Ammonia Carb: Gr: 3' written in white lettering beneath the neck of the bottle. Sealed with a round stopper. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Bottle labelled to contain ammonia carbonate


Bottle containing an unknown substance. The bottle is black in colour, opaque, and square in shape. Handwritten inscription in white lettering written beneath the neck of the bottle. Sealed with a round stopper. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Glass bottle containing unknown substance


Bottle, labelled "Tabloid' brand Blaud Pill and Arsenic'. The bottle is black in colour, opaque, and square in shape. 'Pil. Blaud & Arsen:' written in white lettering beneath the neck of the bottle. Sealed with a round stopper. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Glass bottle labelled to contain blaud pill and arsenic


Bottle, labelled "Tabloid' brand Tannin'. The bottle is black in colour, opaque, and square in shape. 'Tannin Gr. 2 1/2' written in white letters beneath the neck of the bottle. Sealed with a round stopper. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Cylindrical container labelled to contain tannin


Glass bottle labelled "Tabloid' brand Soda Mint'. The bottle is black in colour, opaque, and square in shape. 'Soda Mint.' written on the object in white lettering beneath the neck of the bottle. Sealed with a round stopper. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Glass bottle labelled to contain 'Soda-mint'


Bottle labelled "Tabloid' brand Ipecacuanha Deprived of its Emetic Principle'. The bottle is black in colour, opaque, and square in shape. 'Ipecac: sine Emet: Gr. 5' written on the object in white lettering beneath the neck of the bottle. Sealed with a round stopper. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Glass bottle labelled as containing ipecacuanha


Leather instrument holder. Flat and square in shape, with leather straps. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Leather instrument holder. Flat and square in shape


Caustic pencil, in two parts that slot together. It is made of wood, is black in colour, and tapers to a rounded point at one end. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Caustic pencil


Glass bottle labelled "Tabloid' brand Liquorice Compound Paper'. The bottle is black in colour, opaque, and square in shape. 'Liquorice Co. Gr. 30.' written on the object in white lettering beneath the neck of the bottle. Sealed with a round stopper. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Glass bottle labelled to contain liquorice compound powder


Black cylindrical container, labelled "Tabloid' brand Hydrarg. Perchlor. (Mercury Perchloride) compressed. gr. 1/100 (0.00065 gm)'. Sealed with flat lid. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Cylindrical container labelled to contain mercury perchloride


Glass bottle labelled "Tabloid' brand Menthol Compound'. The bottle is black in colour, opaque, and square in shape. 'Menthol Co.' written on the object in white lettering beneath the neck of the bottle. Sealed with a round stopper. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Glass bottle labelled to contain menthol compound


Bottle labelled "Tabloid' brand Potassium Iodide'. The bottle is black in colour, opaque, and square in shape. 'Pot: Iodid: Gr: 5' written on the object in white lettering beneath the neck of the bottle. Sealed with a round stopper. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Glass bottle labelled as containing potassium iodide


Bottle labelled "Tabloid' brand Aloin Compound'. The bottle is black in colour, opaque, and square in shape. 'Aloin Co:' written on the object in white lettering beneath the neck of the bottle. Sealed with a round stopper. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Glass bottle labelled as containing aloin compound


Bottle labelled "Tabloid' brand Thirst Quencher'. The bottle is black in colour, opaque, and square in shape. 'Thirst Quencher' written on the object in white lettering beneath the neck of the bottle. Sealed with a round stopper. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Glass bottle labelled as containing thirst quencher


Rectangular paper packet, labelled 'Throat brushes'. Tied with string'. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Throat brushes wrapped in a paper packet


Thermometre stored inside a cylindrical metal case. Thermometre numbered in black, and the glass restricts at one end. Visibly contains mercury at the narrow end. The case is formed of two parts that slot together, the lid of which is slightly dented. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Thermometer in cylindrical metal case


Glass bottle labelled "Tabloid' brand Phenacetin Compound'. The bottle is black in colour, opaque, and square in shape. 'Phenacetin Co.' written on the object in white lettering beneath the neck of the bottle. Sealed with a round stopper. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Glass bottle labelled to contain phenacetin compound


Translucent glass jar containing two rounded cones of menthol, and scrap of crumples paper. Sealed with a flat metal lid Labelled 'Menthol Cones'. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Glass jar containing menthol cones


Eye dropper with hollow glass stem and black rubber teat. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Eye dropper


Glass bottle, black in colour, opaque, and square in shape. 'Chloral Hyd: Gr. 5.' written on the object in white lettering beneath the neck of the bottle. Sealed with a round stopper. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Glass bottle labelled to contain chloral hydrate


Bottle labelled "Tabloid' brand 'Xaxa' (acetyl-salicylic acid)'. The bottle is black in colour, opaque, and square in shape. 'Xaxa: Gr: 5' written on the object in white lettering beneath the neck of the bottle. Sealed with a round stopper. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Glass bottle labelled as containing acetyl-salicylic acid


Paper wrapped metal tine labelled 'Vaperole'. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Paper wrapped metal tine labelled 'Vaporol'


Bottle, labelled "Tabloid' brand 'Pepana' (formerly known as Peptonic)'. The bottle is black in colour, opaque, and square in shape. 'Pepana' written in white letters beneath the neck of the bottle. Sealed with a round stopper. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Bottle labelled to contain 'Pepana'


Bottle, labelled "Tabloid' brand Ginger Ess [remainder illegible]'. The bottle is black in colour, opaque, and square in shape. 'Ess. Ginger m 1' written in white lettering beneath the neck of the bottle. Sealed with a round stopper. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Bottle labelled to contain ginger essence


Paper packet labelled 'Tooth Stopping'. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Paper packet labelled 'Tooth Stopping'. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited


Bottle, labelled "Tabloid' brand Ammonium Bromide'. The bottle is black in colour, opaque, and square in shape. 'Ammon: Brom: Gr: 5' written in white lettering beneath the neck of the bottle. Sealed with a round stopper. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Glass bottle labelled to contain ammonium bromide


Bottle, labelled "Tabloid' brand Quinine Bisulphate'. The bottle is black in colour, opaque, and square in shape. 'Quin: Bisulph: Gr: 2:' written in white lettering beneath the neck of the bottle. Sealed with a round stopper. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Glass bottle labelled to contain quinine bisulphate


Paper wrapped parcel, labelled 'Mustard Plasters' and 'Supplied by Wellcome Burroughs & Co., London'. Bound with string. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Parcel labelled to contain mustard plasters


Paper document with title "Tabloid' Medicine Case for Sledge Service. Synopsis of History'. Describes the circumstances in which the medicine chest was discovered after the disappearance of Captain Scott. Handwritten inscriptions reading '1981-1007' and 'R. 165'. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Paper document with title "Tabloid' Medicine Case for Sledge Service. Synopsis of History'


Bottle, labelled "Tabloid' brand Potassium Chlorate'. The bottle is black in colour, opaque, and square in shape. 'Pot: Chlor: Gr: 5' written in white lettering beneath the neck of the bottle. Sealed with a round stopper. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Glass bottle labelled to contain potassium chlorate


Bottle, labelled "Tabloid' brand Salol'. The bottle is black in colour, opaque, and square in shape. 'Salol Gr: 5' written in white letters beneath the neck of the bottle. Sealed with a round stopper. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Bottle labelled to contain Salol


Bottle, labelled "Tabloid' brand Sulphonal'. The bottle is black in colour, opaque, and square in shape. 'Sulphonal' written in white lettering beneath the neck of the bottle. Sealed with a round stopper. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Glass bottle labelled to contain sulphonal


Bottle labelled "Tabloid' brand Laxative Vegetable'. The bottle is black in colour, opaque, and square in shape. 'Lax: Veg:' written on the object in white lettering beneath the neck of the bottle. Sealed with a round stopper. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Glass bottle labelled as containing laxative vegetable


Iodoform guaze in cardboard box. There is a printed inscription reading 'Pleated Compressed Iodoform Gauze. Trademark 'Tabloid' brand. 3 yards'. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Iodoform gauze in cardboard packaging


Black cylindrical container. Embossed inscription in yellow letters reading 'Iodoform'. Label reading 'Iodoform' wrapped around the main body. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Cylindrical container labelled 'Iodoform'


Bottle labelled "Tabloid' brand Bismuth and Soda'. The bottle is black in colour, opaque, and square in shape. 'Bism & Soda' written on the object in white lettering beneath the neck of the bottle. Sealed with a round stopper. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Glass bottle labelled as containing bismuth and soda


Bottle labelled "Tabloid' brand Sodium Salicytate'. The bottle is black in colour, opaque, and square in shape. 'Soda Salicyl: Gr 5' written on the object in white lettering beneath the neck of the bottle. Sealed with a round stopper. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Glass bottle labelled as containing sodium salicylate


Metal needles wrapped together in brown paper. One needle point protruding. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Needles wrapped in brown paper


Black cylindrical container labelled "Soloid' brand Lead Subacetate'. 'Lead Subacet: Gr. 10' written on the object in red lettering above the label. Sealed with a flat lid. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Cylindrical container labelled to contain lead subacetate


Glass bottle labelled "Tabloid' brand Quinine Bisulphate (soluable Sulphate of Quinine)'. The bottle is black in colour, opaque, and square in shape. 'Quin: Bisulph: Gr: 3.' written on the object in white lettering beneath the neck of the bottle. Sealed with a round stopper. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Glass bottle labelled to contain quinine bisulphate


Glass bottle labelled "Tabloid' brand Pepsin, Bismuth and Charcoal'. The bottle is black in colour, opaque, and square in shape. 'Pepsin, Bism. & Char.' written on the object in white lettering beneath the neck of the bottle. Sealed with a round stopper. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Glass bottle labelled to contain pepsin, bismuth and charcoal


Glass bottle, black in colour, opaque, and square in shape. 'Iron & Arsen. Co:' written on the object in white lettering beneath the neck of the bottle. Sealed with a round stopper. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Glass bottle labelled to contain iron and arsenic


Bottle labelled "Tabloid' brand 'Xaxa' trade mark (Acetyl-Salicylic Acid)'. The bottle is black in colour, opaque, and square in shape. '"Xaxa" Gr. 5' written on the object in white lettering beneath the neck of the bottle. Sealed with a round stopper. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Glass bottle labelled as containing acetyl-salicylic acid


Translucent brown glass bottle, labelled "Tabloid' brand Blue Pill compressed. One equals gr. 4 (0.259 gm)'. Sealed with a cork stopper. Burroughs Wellcome and Company Limited, English, c. 1910.

Glass bottle labelled to contain the 'Blue Pill'