Roys and Wilcox Flanging Machine

Folding Press with Two Stop Plates

Six Stakes

Seaming Machine

Stock Shear

Three Horn Stakes

Four Stakes

Three Tripod Stools

Two Bossing Punches with Wire Handles

Five Bundles of Sheet-Metal Templates

Hollow Punch Cutting Edge

Press Tools, Eight Punches and Bolsters

Hollow Punch (Rivet Set)

Two Snaging Stakes

Bossing Jenny with 5 Pairs of Rolls

Tinplate Box with Letter and Numeral Punches

Tinplate Box with Decorative Hand-Punches.


Two Circular Bottom Stakes

Heavy Iron Horse Bar

Dome Stake


Seaming Machine

Three Hatchet Stakes

Six Bottom Swages for Swage Tools

Two Spout Stakes


Nineteen Various Punches for Hand Use

Groove Punch

Four Swaging Stakes


Pair of Rolls


Machine for Cutting Strips

Bending Rolls for Channel

3 Horses

5 Beating and Anvil Blocks