Book: Olga Romanoff (1895) by G. Griffith.
War Facts and Figures: British Dominion General Insurance Company
Bibliography of Aeronautics
Book: Aerobatics (1918) by H. Barber
Book: An Air Fighters Scrap-Book (1938) by I. Jones
Book: Aviation (1912) by C. Grahame-White
Book: Winged Warfare (1918) by (Major) W.A. Bishop
Book: Australia and Back (1927) by Sir Alan Cobham
Book: In the Royal Naval Air Service (1916) by H. Rosher
Book: Australia and Back
Book: The Mechanics of the Aeroplane (1915) by Captain Duchene
Book: Aerial Navigation of Today (1910) by C. C. Turner
Book: A Dictionary of the Wonders of Art
Book: Balloon Travels of Robert Merry and Young Friends (1857) by P. Parley
Book: The Helicopter Flying-Machine (1911) by J.R. Porter
Book: Memories of Land and Sky (1928) by G. Bacon
Book: The First Flight Across the Polar Sea (c.1930) by Roald Amundsen & Lincoln Ellsworth
Book: Tableau .... des Proprietes .... de l'Air (1784) by M. Rouland
Book: Janes' All the World's Aircraft. 1916
Book: Janes' All the World's Aircraft. 1920
Book: Janes' All the World's Aircraft. 1924
Book: Technical Notes Royal Flying Corps. (1916) by H.M.S.O
Book: The Flying Book - The Aviation World Who's Who (1914) by The Aviation World Publishing Co
Book: Chronology of Aviation (1912) by Hudson Maxim and William J. Hammer
Book: Airships and Aeroplanes (c.1913) by Mervyn O'Gorman
Book: Modern Aircraft (1928) by Victor Page
Book: Aeroplane Construction and Operation (1919) by J.B. Rathbun
Book: Janes' All the World's Aircraft. 1930
Book: The Life of Sir Joseph Banks (1911) by E. Smith
Book: Vehicles of the Air (1909) by V. Lougheed
Book: Building and Flying an Aeroplane (1918) by C. B. Hayward
Book: Ballooning
Book: Flight. Vol II. July-December 1910
Book: Janes' All the World's Aircraft. 1926
Book: The Aeroplane in War (1912) by C. Grahame-White & H. Harper
The Aviator's Companion
Book: Aeronautics (1913) by H.M.S.O
Book: Aeronautics (1912) by H.M.S.O
Book: Navigating the Air (1907) by Aero Club of America
Book: Aeronautics (1911) by H.M.S.O
Practical Kites and Aeroplanes by Frederick Walker