"Pentona II" 35mm. camera with 45mm. f3.5 Meyer Trioplan lens in Priomat shutter and carrying case 1965
Zorki-4K camera in ever ready case. Made in USSR. Coupled rangefinder camera for 35mm film 24x36mm. Jupiter-8 lens, F:50 f/2-22, No 7539395. Fabric focal plane shutter. Coupled coincidence type rangefinder combined with direct vision optical finder. X and M flash synchronisation, coaxial socket. Accessory shoe. Rotary frame counter. Lever windon. No 75896074. Zorki-4K Camera 1972-1980
Exacta VX 1000 camera, no. 1148807. A single lens reflex camera for 35mm film, fitted with a Zeiss Tessar f2.8, 50mm lens No 8042264 and a focal plane shutter giving speeds 12sec to 1/1000sec. Exacta VX 1000 Camera 1967
Iloca "Quick" 35mm. camera with 45mm. f3.5 Ilitar-Anastigmat lens in Prontor S shutter, c. 1953. Iloca "Quick" 35mm. camera with 45mm. f3.5 Ilitar-Anastigmat lens in Prontor S shutter 1953
Eastman Kodak Co. Solid body 35mm camera 24x36mm. Kodak Anaston lens F:51mm f/4,5-22. Kodak Flash 200 shutter 25/50/100/200/B. Bayonet coaxialflash socket. Front cell focusing; lens barrel telescopic. Direct vision optical finder. Film type reminder. Body release. No 223667. In everready case. Kodak Pony 135 Camera 1950-1954
Early camera/projector (incomplete, top missing, but fitted with lens) from Darling works, 35mm. Early Camera / Projector
35mm film camera 24x36mm. Interchangeable Schneider Xenar lens F:50mm f/2.8 No 4837879. Synchro-Compur shutter 1-1/500 sec.; X & M sync.; delayed action. Two DV optical finders for 50mm and 85-90mm lenses; coupled rangefinder in 50mm window. Lever wind; accessory shoe. No 138040. Diax Iib camera 1955
FED-2 camera No.2265767 manufactured by Dzerhunsky Commune Kharkor, Ukraine 1955. With FED f2.8 52mm lens No.1165604. In leather ever-ready case FED-2 camera No.2265767 manufactured by Dzerhunsky Commune Kharkor 1955
Werra 1 35mm. camera with 50mm. f2.8 Zeiss Tessar lens and Prestor RVS shutter, c. 1959. Werra 1 35mm. camera with 50mm. f2.8 Zeiss Tessar lens and Prestor RVS shutter 1959
Motor wind camera for 35mm film 23 x 23mm. Fitted with a coated schneider Xenar lens F:38mm f/2.8-16 No.3133685. Screw mount. Helical focusing. 2 blade shutter 2/5/10/25/50/100/250/500/B/T. Clockwork drive.Gives 24 exposures to a wind. X and F flash synchronisation, coaxial sockets, direct vision optical finder converting to right angle finder. Accessory shoe. In ever ready case. Robot Camera and Case 1952