Object type
Place of origin

Braun "Paxette Electramatic" 35mm. camera No. 458631 with 40mm. katagon lens No. 923228


Pax M4 35mm. camera with 45mm. f2.8 Luminor Anastigmat lens No. 157860


Braun "Paxette" 35mm. Camera


"Pentona II" 35mm. camera with 45mm. f3.5 Meyer Trioplan lens in Priomat shutter and carrying case


"Zorki 4" 35mm Camera


VP Twin Pocket Camera in Original Box


Ilford "Sportina Rapid III" 35mm. camera with original instructions


35mm. Rigid Bodied Camera with Corygon Lens and Compur Rapid Shutter


Aires "Reflex 35" 35mm. single lens reflex camera No. 3027168


Ricoh "35L" 35mm. camera with 48mm. f2 Ricoh S-Kominar lens No. 12804


Kodak Retinette 1A Camera


Ilford "Sportsman" 35mm. with 45mm. f3.5 Dacora digmar lens


Zorki-4K camera in ever ready case. Made in USSR. Coupled rangefinder camera for 35mm film 24x36mm. Jupiter-8 lens, F:50 f/2-22, No 7539395. Fabric focal plane shutter. Coupled coincidence type rangefinder combined with direct vision optical finder. X and M flash synchronisation, coaxial socket. Accessory shoe. Rotary frame counter. Lever windon. No 75896074.

Zorki-4K Camera


Exacta VX 1000 camera, no. 1148807. A single lens reflex camera for 35mm film, fitted with a Zeiss Tessar f2.8, 50mm lens No 8042264 and a focal plane shutter giving speeds 12sec to 1/1000sec.

Exacta VX 1000 Camera


Canon AL-1 camera in fitted perspex case for display

Canon AL-1 camera

Iloca "Quick" 35mm. camera with 45mm. f3.5 Ilitar-Anastigmat lens in Prontor S shutter, c. 1953.

Iloca "Quick" 35mm. camera with 45mm. f3.5 Ilitar-Anastigmat lens in Prontor S shutter


Eastman Kodak Co. Solid body 35mm camera 24x36mm. Kodak Anaston lens F:51mm f/4,5-22. Kodak Flash 200 shutter 25/50/100/200/B. Bayonet coaxialflash socket. Front cell focusing; lens barrel telescopic. Direct vision optical finder. Film type reminder. Body release. No 223667. In everready case.

Kodak Pony 135 Camera


Canon AE1 camera with the circuit board visible through a Perspex top.

Canon AE1 Camera

Early camera/projector (incomplete, top missing, but fitted with lens) from Darling works, 35mm.

Early Camera / Projector

"Reid III" 35mm. camera No. P30 46 with Taylor Hobson f2/50mm. lens No. 328670.

Reid III camera

35mm film camera 24x36mm. Interchangeable Schneider Xenar lens F:50mm f/2.8 No 4837879. Synchro-Compur shutter 1-1/500 sec.; X & M sync.; delayed action. Two DV optical finders for 50mm and 85-90mm lenses; coupled rangefinder in 50mm window. Lever wind; accessory shoe. No 138040.

Diax Iib camera


FED-2 camera No.2265767 manufactured by Dzerhunsky Commune Kharkor, Ukraine 1955. With FED f2.8 52mm lens No.1165604. In leather ever-ready case

FED-2 camera No.2265767 manufactured by Dzerhunsky Commune Kharkor


Werra 1 35mm. camera with 50mm. f2.8 Zeiss Tessar lens and Prestor RVS shutter, c. 1959.

Werra 1 35mm. camera with 50mm. f2.8 Zeiss Tessar lens and Prestor RVS shutter


Motor wind camera for 35mm film 23 x 23mm. Fitted with a coated schneider Xenar lens F:38mm f/2.8-16 No.3133685. Screw mount. Helical focusing. 2 blade shutter 2/5/10/25/50/100/250/500/B/T. Clockwork drive.Gives 24 exposures to a wind. X and F flash synchronisation, coaxial sockets, direct vision optical finder converting to right angle finder. Accessory shoe. In ever ready case.

Robot Camera and Case