Aircraft camera for 16mm film in 14A/4197 magazine. Fitted with a Lentar F ! 1/2 inch coated lens f/1.9-16. 2 or 16 fps. Shutter speed /50/100/300. Bayonet fitting yellow filter. Jack plug power input 24-28v. AM 14A/4196. Model No. SP/2389. Serial No. 10055. Specto Limited. Specto G.G.S. Recorder Camera Mk.3
Aero camera for 4 x 5 inch plates in Houghton Butcher type P7 magazines, transferred from one to the other by shutter cocking lever. With fabric focal plane shutter by Houghton-butcher adjustable slit with 0- 1 2/3 inches. Small moveable arrow in corner of film plane. Provision for watch, pocket type with 24v lamps projecting image into the corner of the plate. Provision for external power operation. Lens missing. No. 214. Williamson Kinematograph Co. Williamson Aerial Camera Type P7 1898-1910
American Aircraft camera K.20 using rollfilm. Negative size 5 inch square. With hand operated trigger mechanism. Shutter speeds 1/125 - 1/500 sec. Diaphragm operated at the front of the camera. Fitted with a Paragon Anastifmat F.4.6 163mm f.l. WIth an optical direct vision viewfinder mounted on the top of the camera. Optical Company, c.1943. American Aircraft camera K.20 using rollfilm circa 1943
AM type 14A/3541 aircraft camera. For 35mm film, darkroom loaded with AM14A/3534 lens of fixed aperture in screw mount with locking ring. Film take-up on large diameter drum. 24v electrical supply and indexing lamp. F.60 Aircraft Camera
Aero camera for 4 x 5 inch wooden magazines by Houghton-Butcher and Thornton-Pickard. Plates transferred from one to the other by shutter cocking lever. Fabric focal plane shutter by Williamson Manufacturing company. A, ref. 14A/84. Slit width adjustable 0- 1 1/2 inches. Hand operated, provision for external power. Lens missing. The Williamson Kinematograph Co Limited. Williamson Aerial Camera Type P7 1898-1910
For 5x4" plates in magazine (missing); no lens; flap and focal plane shutter; folding frame finder; hand grip and trigger. Houghton-Butcher Aero Camera
Aircraft camera K.16 using rollfilm in interchageable magazines. Negative size 5 inch. Camera is electronically operated using power supply if the aircraft (24 volt). The lens has effective opening of F.2.8 8 inch f.l. The shutter is a focal plane type with speeds from 1/60 to 1/1000 sec. The diaphragm is manually operated. c.1940 Aircraft camera K16 circa 1940
Aircraft cine camera Model G.45. Using 16mm perforated cine film, 50 foot lengths, loaded into a special rechargable magazine. Works off the electricity supply of the aircraft, 24volt. Coupled to the trigger mechanism of the machine gun register a hit or miss. Standard lens has a focal length of 1 inch, the long focus approx 12". Both lenses have a heating element built into the front of the lens to eliminate condensation. Williamson c.1940 Aircraft Cine Camera Model G 45 1939-1945