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E.N.V. Aero-engine type D (40hp), V8 cylinder, (incomplete), E. N. V. Motor Syndicate Limited, Willesden, Middlesex, England, 1910-1911. The engine’s cast-iron cylinders machined inside and out, have electrically deposited copper water jackets. The crankshaft is supported in six ball-bearings, with a double thrust race at the propeller end to take thrust in both directions. The side valves are operated by a hollow camshaft working through hardened steel balls at the bottom of each tappet. Lubrication is forced fed by a pump actuated by an eccentric on the crankshaft. Used in 1910, by Harold Hume Piffard, when he flew his flies 'Humming Bird' aircraft from Shoreham Airport, Shoreham, Sussex, England.

E.N.V. Aero-engine type D (40hp)

40 H.P. Darracq 4-cylinder horizontal aero engine, 1909.

40 H.P. Darracq 4-cylinder horizontal aero engine


Wolseley engine, 60 H.P. (plugs missing), 1912.

Wolseley engine


80 H.P. "Le Rhone" aero engine 7/762/1.

80 H.P. "Le Rhone" aero engine 7/762/1.


J.A.P. 45 H.P. 8 cyl. O.H.V. V-type aero engine, 1909, No. 1111, with Eisemann Magneto and J.A.P. carburettor, by J A Prestwich Industries Limited, Tottenham, London, England, 1908

J.A.P. 45 H.P. 8 cyl. O.H.V. V-type aero engine


Two-cylinder opposed Avro Aero engine, complete with airscrew, manufactured by A.V. Roe & Co., patented by Maurice and William Edwards, 1910. Believed to have originated from Lillian Bland's Mayfly aircraft.

Two-cylinder opposed Avro Aero engine, with airscrew


Early Renault 4-cylinder engine used to power a French airship; example of the type of engine that won the 1906 Grand Prix.

Early Renault 4-cylinder engine

135 H.P. Salmson engine, no. AE56 W.D. no. 1199.

135 H.P. Salmson engine, no. AE56 W.D. no. 1199.


100 H.P. Anzani engine No. 2845.

100 H.P. Anzani engine No. 2845.


Levis 5-cylinder aero engine.

Levis 5-cylinder aero engine.


Wright Aero engine.

Wright Aero engine.


Nieuport engine 28 H.P. (Incomplete).

Nieuport engine 28 H.P. (Incomplete)


"Antoinette" engine originally fitted to airship "Nulli Secundus", by Leon Levavasseur, France, 1907

"Antoinette" engine originally fitted to airship "Nulli Secundus"


80 H.P. Clerget, seven-cylinder, 80 hp, engine no. 1009, W.D. no. 2249. Block tube carburetter from this engine, exhibited with engine details. Built by Gwynnes Ltd.

80 H.P. Clerget


Clerget engine, 200 H.P (incomplete), dated 1910 to 1911.

Clerget engine


35 Horse Power. 5-cylinder. Viale air-cooled aero engine, circa 1911

Viale air-cooled aero engine