Isco Anamorphotic lens Kiptar 2 X in a helical focusing mount and designed for use with 35mm motion picture film, the anamorphotic lens consists of an optical system in which image formation occurs on different scales in the vertical and horizontal direction. Used in Cinemascope and in Wide screen projection. Isco Optical Werke, c.1950 Isco Anamorphotic lens Kiptar 2 X in a helical focusing mount circa 1950
Kine Exakta Varex 11b camera outfit. Set comprises of 35mm single lens reflex camera with the following lenses and accessories; Meyer Optic Goerlitz Orestegor telephoto lens; Carl Zeiss Jena Felktogon anamorphic lens; set of extension tubes; Microscope adaptor; focusing screen; focusing bellows unit; various focusing screens Photographic lens and accessories
Kodak anamorphic lens, made by Eastman Kodak. F:35mm, f/3.3 - 22 wide angled lens in screw mount for Ektra camera. Helical screw focusing, infinity to 3.5 feet. Stop release to focus to 1ft. EY 1661 in engraved aluminium case. Kodak Anamorphic Lens 1940
Half-plate, anamorphic lens by Vevers. By C.C. Vevers of Leeds 5" F. Rotating aperture plate with four apertures: f.17,23,35,46. RR construction. Vevers half plate wide angle lens