Bottle containing some aspirin tablets, prepared by the British Drug Houses Ltd., London, 1930-1970 Bottle containing aspirin tablets
1x1000 bottle of Aspirin tablets, compound B.P., by Regent Laboratories, 1960-1985 Bottle of Aspirin tablets 1960-1985
Bottle of aspirin and quinine compound tablets prepared by The British Drug Houses Ltd., London, 1964-1979 Bottle of aspirin and quinine compound tablets prepared by The British Drug Houses Ltd.
1x1000x5g bottle of Acetyl Salicylic Acid Tablets B.P. (Aspirin), by Evans, 1950-1980 Bottle of Acetyl Salicylic Acid Tablets 1950-1980
2 dispensing boxes, cardboard, containing 1oz Aspirin powder, prepared by Friedrich Bayer and Co., owned by Dr. Thomas Fentem, German, 1935-1959. Label is written in German, English and French. 2 dispensing boxes 1935-1959
Bottle of soluble paediatric aspirin tablets prepared by Arthur H. Cox and Co. Ltd., Brighton, 1950-1970 Bottle of soluble paediatric aspirin tablets prepared by Arthur H. Cox and Co. Ltd.
1x36 tube display pack of Fennings' Aspirin Tablets B.P., 5gr. tablets, by Fennings, 1940-1970 1x36 tube display pack of Fennings' Aspirin Tablets B.P. 1940-1970