Two circular diapositive photographs of the full Moon mounted in passe partout frames, originally for use in a large stereoscope using prism which was disposed of in 1958 (BOS 2/4/58). Taken by Warren De La Rue [1858-1868] through a 13-inch reflecting telescope with a speculum mirror and using wet collodion plates. The instrument was carried on a German type clock-driven equatorial mounting housed in his observatory at Cranford, Middlesex. Two circular diapositive photographs of the full Moon mounted in passe partout frames 1858-1862
Photograph of 'Praesepe' the beehive star cluster (M44), taken by Isaac Roberts using a twin telescope (20-inch reflector & 7-inch refractor) by Howard Grubb of Dublin. Taken with an exposure of 90 minutes on 13 February 1891 at his observatory & home at Crowborough, Sussex. Photograph of 'Praesepe' the beehive star cluster (M44) 1891
Photographic print showing a portion of the stars in the constellation of Cassiopeia [RA 0h 7m, Dec +29 degress]. Taken in November 1883 by the Henry brothers [Paul & Prosper] using an astrographic telescope at the Paris Observatory. Photograph of a star field in the constellation of Cassiopeia using the astrographic telescope at the Paris Observatory, 1883 1883