Object type
Place of origin
Small box of 10 Veramon tablets (barbitone and amidopyrine) with original plastic wrapping. 85 mm x 20 mm,11 g. An advertisement from a 1930s Portugese magazine promotes Veramon tablets, 'Veramon is your best friend. Because it makes disappear the fair sex's illnesses, relieving pain and restoring well-being and good humour. If illness worsens, please see your doctor; but in the mean time discomfort can be safely and effectively avoided with Veramon.' Manufactured by Chemische Fabrik auf Actien, Berlin,Germany, 1871-1927.

Box of 10 Veramon tablets


Canister of "Medinal" tablets, (barbitone sodium) half full. Height 56 mm x diameter 42 mm, weight 22g. Inscribed: 'FOR DISPENSING ONLY / Each tablet contains: / 0.32 Barbitone / Sodium B.P./.../100 TABLETS each 0.32 G / MEDINAL/ A Schering Product / HYPNOTIC / made in England / BRITISH SCHERING BS LIMITED SLOUGH / 'MEDINAL' and 'SCHERING' are registered trade marks/POISON'. Made by British Schering Ltd., Slough. English, 1950-1960.

Metal canister of 'Medinal' tablets


Bottle of barbitonium (barbitone), with cork stopper, half full of white powder. Height 74 mm x diameter 38 mm, weight 74g. Inscribed: 'Veronal/Barbitonium/BRADY & MARTIN LTD/MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS/NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE'. Prepared by Brady and Martin Ltd., Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. English, 1871 to 1930.

Bottle of 'Barbitonium'


Bottle of "Veronal" tablets (barbitone), half full. Height 59 mm x width 32 mm x depth 20 mm, weight 40g. Inscribed: '.../"VERONAL"/Brand / BARBITONE B.P. / POISON /BAYER PRODUCTS LTD./AFRICA HOUSE, KINGSWAY, LONDON, W.C.2. / Made in U.S.A Packed in England / .../'. Made in USA, supplied by Bayer Products Ltd., London.English, 1940-1970.

Glass bottle of 'Veronal' tablets


Carton of 'Barbitonum' powder (barbitone), some traces remaining. Height 55 mm x width 36 mm x depth 36 mm, weight 15g. Inscribed: 'B-D-H/Barbitonum/B.P., U.S.P./ DOSES 0.3 to 0.6 grm. 5 to 10 gr./THE BRITISH DRUG HOUSES LTD./LONDON / 1oz. NET'. Made by the British Drug Houses Ltd., London. English, 1920-1950.

Carton of 'Barbitonum' powder (barbitone)


Glass tube of 'Neurinase' tablets (barbitone), complete with contents. Instructions on glass tube state both hypnotic and sedative dosages. Height 65 mm x diameter 23 mm, weight 34g. Inscribed: 'NEURINASE/.../PHYSIKON LTD./74-77, White Lion Street,/ LONDON.N.1/.../WILCOX, JOZEAU & CO., LTD./74-77, White Lion St., London, N.1/19, Temple Bar, Dublin/...'.Manufactured by Physikon Ltd, London, for distributors Wilcox, Jozeau & Co. Ltd., London. English, 1940-1960.

Glass tube of Neurinase tablets


Black simulated leather effect case with metal clasp, containing 12 labelled glass phials of tablets. 12 bottles contents as follows: 'Penacetin' (phenacetin and caffine - half full of tablets); 'Tab ha Phenobarbital' (phenobarbitone - around 14 tablets remaining); 'Digitalin & Nitroglycerin comp. (cardiac)' (strychnine, digitalin, nitroglycerin - half full of tablets); 'Pulv Ipecac CO. B.P. Dover Powder' (opium, ipecac - 3 tablets remaining); 'Palatinoids Hydrarg Subchlor' (mercury chloride - full of tablets); 'aperiens, fort' (Aloin, Jalapin, mercury chloride, gingerin - half full of tablets); 'laxoin' (dihydroxyphthalophenon - 3/4 full of tablets); 'hypnogen' (phenobarbitone - 4 tablets remaining); 'ergota praeparata' (Alaloids of ergot, ergotoxin - half full of tablets); 'butyl chlor gelsemin quinine' (butyl chloral hydrate, gelsemin, quinine - half full of tablets); 'Acetosal' (acetysalicylic acid - half full of tablets); 'Nitroglycerium' (nitroglycerine - full of tablets). Case: height 38 mm x width 243 mm x depth 91 mm, weight 310.90g; phial: height 85 mm x diameter 19 mm. Case inscribed: 'OPPENHEIMER SON & Co, LTD'. Manufactured by Oppenheimer Son and Co. Ltd., case inscribed 'Dr. E. Pringle'. English, 1870-1930.

Black simulated leather effect case containing 12 labelled glass phials of tablets.


Bottle of "Veronal" tablets (barbitone), complete with contents. Height 69 mm x width 40 mm x depth 21 mm, weight 32g. Inscribed: '25 Tablets of / gr. 5 (0.3g.)/Trade 'Veronal' Mark/Brand of barbitone/ .../Bayer Products Ltd./Africa House,/ Kingsway/London, W.C.2./Made in Germany'. Supplied by Bayer Products, London. Made in Germany. English, 1945-1960.

Glass bottle of Veronal tablets


Glass tube of 'Neurinase' tablets (barbitone), complete with contents. Instructions on glass tube state both hypnotic and sedative dosages. Height 65 mm x diameter 23 mm, weight 34g. Inscribed: 'NEURINASE/.../PHYSIKON LTD./74-77, White Lion Street,/ LONDON.N.1/.../WILCOX, JOZEAU & CO., LTD./74-77, White Lion St., London, N.1/19, Temple Bar, Dublin/...'.Manufactured by Physikon Ltd, London, for distributors Wilcox, Jozeau & Co. Ltd., London. English, 1940-1960.

Glass tube of Neurinase tablets
