Blanket, LMS, Grey with blue ribbon edge, blue black & white stripes. LMS embroidered in pink wool in centre Blanket, London Midland & Scottish Railway
Blanket, BR, Sleeping cars. Plaid with double arrow motif woven with design. Predominantly blue Blanket, British Rail, Sleeping Cars
Three samples of the multi-layer insulation blanket from the BepiColombo Structural and Thermal Model spacecraft. This was extra blanket that was not needed during installation and was offered to us. Multi-layer insulation blanket sample
Two woollen cot blankets, each with pale blue stripes at top end, English, 1860-1870 Woollen cot blankets 1860-1870
Brushed woollen wrapping blanket for a cot, edged in pale blue viscose crochet stitching, used in belief that babies sleep better when wrapped tightly, English, 1885-1900 Woollen wrapping blanket for cot 1885-1900
Blanket, brown woollen, L & YR to no.194, probably ex Steamer, c.1910 Blanket, Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway 1905-1915
Blanket, BR, Sleeping cars. Plaid with double arrow motif woven into design. Predominantly blue Blanket, British Rail, Sleeping Cars
Blanket, BR, Sleeping cars. Plaid with double arrow motif woven into design. Predominantly blue Blanket, British Rail, Sleeping Cars
Blanket, BR, Sleeping cars. Plaid with double arrow motif woven into design. Predominantly blue Blanket, British Rail, Sleeping Cars
Blanket, LMS, Natural coloured woollen sleeping car blanket, with LMS embroidered in blue. 30"x76" Blanket, London, Midland & Scottish Railway
Blanket, LNER, Grey sleeping car blanket with "LNER H70" embroidered in red in centre Blanket, London & North Eastern Railway