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Illustrated booklet entitled "Beating the Ban..."


Booklet containing six carbon prints marking the International Health Exhibition


French booklets relating to blood transfusion

1970 and post 1989

Pamphlet for Umedco medicines


Block test picture completion sheets booklet

Booklets, 5 items, invoicing, labelling and charging instructions in connection with goods traffic in and around London and shipping traffic, issued by London Midland and Scottish Railway Company, Watford HQ

Booklets, 5 items


Repair books, set of 12, type sample of repair books used for recording individual repairs to diesel locomotives in the 1970s by British railways maintenance depots, covering several classes including 08, 24, 25, 31, 45, 50 and 73

Repair Book


Booklet and three badges from the `Walk for Life' event organised by Cruisaid, a national fund raising charity for AIDS (HIV) research. The booklet and two badges are from 1991, a third badge from 1989

Booklet and three badges from the `Walk for Life' event organised by Cruisaid


Booklets on Blood transfusion Services in Czechoslovakia, Finland and Hong Kong, 1960 -circa 1985.

information on overseas blood transfusion services

1960- circa 1985

Booklets x 3, paper, Classification and Marshalling of Freight Trains including Connecting Services, issued by the Line Manager, Great Northern Line, British Railways, Eastern Region, King's Cross Station, June 1964. Printed by Bemrose of Derby. In 3 separate sections - A, C & D, and E. Document no. BR 31246/1-3.

Classification and Marshalling of Freight Trains including Connecting Services


Booklet entitled "Family Guide to the National Insurance Scheme" which was due to come into force on 5th July 1948, former owner had pencilled lines beside the section on sickness benefit, HMSO, 1947-1948

Family Guide to the National Insurance Scheme


Illustrated booklet entitled "Style and Image", which reports on "Tobacco and Alcohol images in selected Fashion and Style Magazines, 1991", the design of which parodies these magazines, issued by the Health Education Authority, London, 1992

Style and Image: Tobacco and Alcohol images in selected Fashion and Style Magazines, 1991


Two booklets, "Extracts from the Code of Rules for Observance by Railway Employees", issued by London Midland & Scottish Railway Company, from Greenore, Dundalk, Newry & Greenore Railway, 1 January 1933. pp.8.

London Midland & Scottish Railway rules booklet


[Printed material, 1924-1957, re history and work of the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington. 9 booklets]

Printed material


Complete set of course materials produced by the International Correspondence Schools for a course in locomotive management. Also contains a complete set of student's paperwork (produced by Ronald Lovett) and a framed International Correspondence Schools certificate for Ronald Dennis Lovett

International Correspondence Schools Ltd Locomotive Management Course

circa 1889-circa 2003