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Contemporary broadsheet

Letterpress broadsheet : Monsieur Garnerin's Wonderful Descent by a Parachute


Broadsheet, letterpress with wood block illustrations. B.Fowler & Co.Fleet Street


Engraving and letterpress broadsheet

Letterpress poster re: copper coinage

Broadsheet: `The Great Eclipse of The Sun'


Broadsheet: New moving power


Woodcut: Broad sheet advertisement in letter press: Lectures on Astronomy and Geography


Letterpress broadsheet, A description of Coalbrookdale

Letterpress broadsheet


Broadsheet. Printed on paper. 1885-1935: fifty yea


Broadsheet, showing a fire-fighting scene

Broadsheet: Grand Polish fete and ascent of Mr. Green the aeronaut from Cremorne


Woodcut broadsheet illustrating a domestic electric bell system


Broad sheet engraving account of eclipse


New Gas Friendly Association 'Near its death'


Contemporary broad-sheet describing the Coalbrookdale iron bridge

The Atlantic Telegraph, broadsheet, 1866


Broadsheet, printed, hand-coloured engravings, 'The Atlantic Telegraph', describing the laying of the first successful transatlantic telegraph cables, published by Bacon & Co, 48 Paternoster Row, London, England, 1866.

The Atlantic Telegraph, broadsheet, 1866


An engraved poster, Tableau de l'Ingenieur mechanicien de Chemins de Fer Paris Basset

An engraved poster

Broadsheet. The Lucas 'King of the road' Car Model with the Story of Lucas. 41x50.5cm

Broadsheet, The Lucas 'King of the road' Car Model


Broadsheet of Bradshaws Railway Map of Great Britain and Ireland; cab fares to Metropolitan Stations, routes, booking offices, coach fares for Dublin, Hull, Liverpool etc and advertisements, 1868.

Broadsheet of bradshaws railway map


[Broadsheet] Sir William Petty's Plan for a system of instruction relative to the business of the Marine Department, in the same words as the original; but with the articles transposed, and marginal titles, supplemental titles, and remarks added / [Arranged and with amendments, by] Samuel Bentham. 1779 June. [A syllabus of naval knowledge relating to the construction, equipment, navigation and use of ships. It was 'exhibited to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty' in 1795. [Petty was appointed a Commissioner of the Navy in 1681. His 'Treatise of Naval Philosophy', published in 1691 bound in another work, comprised three parts: A Phisico-Mathematical Discourse of Ships and Sailing; Of Naval Policy; Of Naval Oeconomy or Husbandry]

Broadsheet Sir William Petty's Plan for a system of instruction relative to the business of the Marine Department


poster. broadsheet. offset-lithograph. Lord Nuffield 1877-1963. Centenary exhibition Oxford, 5 October -27 November (1977). Educational broadsheet illustrating Morris's life and cars - Morris Oxford, Minor, Princess. Published by British Leyland Public Relations News Services on behalf of Leyland Historic Vehicles Limited. Printed by the Nuffield Press Limited, Cowley, Oxford. 98x70cm also handbill. Nuffield Centenary Exhibition, Thames Street, Oxford, 5 October - 27 November (1977) portrait of Nuffield. 50.5x32cm

Educational poster illustrating Morris's life and cars (Morris Oxford, Minor, Princess), 1977


"The Miner's Catechism". [Broadsheet attacking miners' working conditions. 19th century.

"The Miner's Catechism"


[Broadsheet] Some Considerations showing that the Importation of Iron from America will sooner put a stop to the making of Iron in England than the Importation of Iron from Sweden and Russia. [Comparing the nature and characteristics of English iron with those of Swedish, Russian and American iron and outlining the consequences of importing American iron into Britain. 2p. on 1 leaf]

Some Considerations showing that the Importation of Iron from America ....

circa 1750