Chemical apparatus catalogue including price list of chemicals etc, 1929; by Brady & Martin Limited, Northumberland Road, Newcastle-upon-Tyne Chemical apparatus catalogue including price list of chemicals etc
Chemical Handicraft: An Illustrated and Descriptive catalogue of chemical apparatus and reagents manufactured and sold by John J. Griffin & Sons Ltd., Kemble Street, Kingsway, London, W.C., ninth edition, probably published in 1915 Chemical Handicraft
Gramophone Company record catalogue, German issue, 1913-14 (Grammophon, Eingetragene Shutzmake, Platten Verzeichnis) (192 pages) "Grammophon" catalogue 1913-1914
Gramophone Company record catalogue, German issue, 1911 (Grammophon,Verzeichnis der Doppelseitigen grammophon platten) (232 pages) "Grammophon" catalogue 1911
Two catalogues of Veterinary instruments: Casselin, 1900 and Jetter & scheerer, c.1930 Two catalogues of Veterinary instruments: Casselin
Catalogue, Scientific Instruments R. & J. Beck Ltd., London, wholesale and retail manufacturing opticians and scientific engineers, indexed and thumb indexed, bound, 334 pages, c. 1900 (Lot 15 at auction 24 May 1990) Catalogue, Scientific Instruments R. & J. Beck Ltd
Catalogue of veterinary instruments & apliances, 1900, Arnold & Sons Catalogue of veterinary instruments & apliances 1900
Eight `Silvertown' catalogues and leaflets in one binder, published by the India Rubber, Gutta percha and Telegraph Works Co. Ltd, Silvertown, London, E.16 (see part Nos. for details) Eight `Silvertown' catalogues and leaflets in one binder
"Wide Awake" catalogue by Hirst Bros & Co. Ltd.; modern watch repairing and adjusting; horological journal for 1958 centenary; guides to repair charges 1963, 1964,1957,1958 "Wide Awake" catalogue by Hirst Bros & Co. Ltd.
Griffin and Tatlock Ltd [Catalogue of] Scientific Apparatus; laboratory equipment and apparatus for mensuration, mechanics, sound, heat, light, electricity, microscopy, technical testing, chemistry ......, catalogue no.70L; Kemble Street, Kingsway, London W. C.2, probably circa 1940 Griffin and Tatlock Ltd Catalogue of Scientific Apparatus
Chemical apparatus catalogue including revised price list of chemicals together with a supplement, 1938; by Brady and Martin Limited, Northumberland Road, Newcastle-upon-Tyne Chemical apparatus catalogue including revised price list of chemicals together with a supplement
Griffin and Tatlock Ltd [Catalogue of] Scientific Apparatus; laboratory equipment and apparatus for mensuration, mechanics, sound, heat, light, electricity, microscopy, technical testing, chemistry ......, catalogue no.50L, 1934; Kemble Street, Kingsway, London W.C.2 Griffin and Tatlock Ltd Catalogue of Scientific Apparatus
Catalogue of Modern Chemical Apparatus selected for analytical, educational and research laboratories in the practice of inorganic, organic, physical and microchemistry and bacteriology and their industrial applications, catalogue number 15B, 1938; by Griffin and Tatlock Ltd, Kemble Street, Kingsway, London, W.C.2 Catalogue of Modern Chemical Apparatus selected for analytical
Catalogue: Aeronautical Pictures. .. which will be sold at Auction by Messrs Christie, Manson & Woods ... Friday, November 27, 1936. 24pp; 24.5x15.5cm. Pages 6 to 9, lots 22-44, were the property of the Right Hon. Kathleen, Countess of Drogheda, who had held an Aircraft exhibition at the Grosvenor Gallery in 1917; concerning: pictures of balloon ascents, including two with provenances back to the family of Robert Holland; descriptions of snuff boxes with pictures of balloon ascents; five books; some of these were purchased by Miss Penn-Gaskell and are now in the museum collections. with inserted, another list of similar from a different sale, undated, some print items usefully described Catalogue of Aeronautical Pictures 1936