On Display
Object type
Place of origin

Metal chisel from London, Brighton & South Coast Railway

Metal chisel from London, Brighton & South Coast Railway

Metal chisel from London, Brighton & South Coast Railway

Metal chisel from London, Brighton & South Coast Railway

Chisel from London, Brighton & South Coast Railway

Chisel from London, Brighton & South Coast Railway

Chisel from London, Brighton & South Coast Railway

Chisel from London, Brighton & South Coast Railway

Metal chisel from London, Brighton & South Coast Railway

Chisel from London, Brighton & South Coast Railway

Metal chisel from London, Brighton & South Coast Railway

Metal chisel from London, Brighton & South Coast Railway

Metal chisel from London, Brighton & South Coast Railway

Chisel from London, Brighton & South Coast Railway

Chisel from London, Brighton & South Coast Railway

Chisel from London, Brighton & South Coast Railway

Chisel from London, Brighton & South Coast Railway

Chisel from London, Brighton & South Coast Railway

Chisel from London, Brighton & South Coast Railway

Chisel from London, Brighton & South Coast Railway

Chisel from London, Brighton & South Coast Railway

Chisel from London, Brighton & South Coast Railway

5/8" mortice chisel by James Cam.

Cold chisel, 3/4 inch blade, 1900


Chisel used in the Deptford safety test

Japanese chisel, 19th century

Cog shank chisel

Chisel for office maintenance


Chisel, bone, Hamonic collection

199-500 CE

Chisel, bone, Hamonic collection

199-500 CE

Chisel, bronze, date and provenance unknown

Chisel (?), bronze, found at Byblos, Roman

199 BCE-500 CE

Chisel (?), bronze, with anchor-shaped handle

199 BCE-500 CE

Four chisels, with serrated cutting edges

Chisel, steel

Chisel, steel

Chisel, steel

small steel chisel set into wooden bandle


Small steel chisel


Curved caulking chisel

Curved caulking chisel

Straight caulking chisel

Straight caulking chisel

Straight caulking chisel

Curved caulking chisel

Roman tool


Bronze chisel

Chisel(?), bone, Hamonic collection

199-500 CE

Chisel, bronze, with spiral handle

199 BCE-500 CE

Iron chisel
