Chronoscope, D'Arsonval's electric chronometer, complete with two switch devices, by G. Boulitte, Paris D'Arsonval's electric chronometer
Maskelyne photographic chronoscope, 1903, (early design cine camera) with Taylor, Taylor and Hobson, series 11, lens and two magazines Maskelyne photographic chronoscope 1903
Weight-driven chronoscope with horizontal dial, with Hipp-type tuned reed escapement, 1840-1849. This instrument shows how Wheatstone has made alterations to his design of chronoscope in light of the work of Hipp. Weight-Driven Chronoscope, 1840-1849 1840-1849
Heythrop Mk V Phonic Chronoscope, a type of direct reading reaction timer invented by J. Leycester King and made by H. Tinsley and Co., London, England, 1933-1937 Heythrop Mk V Phonic Chronoscope 1933-1937
Chronoscope, comprising cylinder, light sensitive paper and lens, French, 1890-1930, cased Chronoscope, comprising cylinder 1890-1930