Part of hair comb in xylonite, manufactured by Daniel Spill, England, 1857-1867 (date maybe later) Part of hair comb in xylonite 1857-1867
Electric hair dryer made from bakelite, by Ormond Engineering Company Limited, London, England, 1955-1960. Purchase dated 24 October 1960, in original box with comb and mirror and original guarantee (see note). Electric bakelite hair dryer in original box with comb and mirror 1955-1960
Electra ray comb. Small red Bakelite comb containing 1 1/2 v battery. Two sets of prongs are energised for the battery. The idea is that a small amount of electricity is good for the health. Electra ray comb. Small red Bakelite comb containing 1 1/2 v battery