Object type
Place of origin
Contract, London Brighton & South Coast Railway and The Allgemeine Elektricitäts Gesellschaft, contract for the complete electrical equipment of 30 motor coaches, for Electricfication of lines to Crystal Palace, May 1911, 43 pages, green bindings.

Contract, LBSCR and AEG for electrical equipment for motor coaches


Specification for the Burnley branch, Mr. Faviels contract. Handwritten.

specification for the burnley branch, Mr. Faviels contract

Contract, paper, The North Eastern Railway with Her Majesty's Postmaster General - Contract for the Conveyance of Her Majesty's Mails, dated 9 August 1895, drawn up by the Solicitor for the Post Office. Printed copy, appears to have been printed by the Post Office. Includes a schedule listing all the NER's mail routes. 13pp.

The North Eastern Railway with Her Majesty's Postmaster General - Contract for the Conveyance of Her Majesty's Mails


Memorandum of Agreement between Roy Ashton, Gaumont-British and Gainsborough Pictures, dated 3 December 1934, detailing the conditions of Ashton's engagement as an apprentice make-up artist.

Memorandum of agreement: Roy Ashton's employment at Gainsborough


Contract, North Midland Railway, "Notton near Wakefield".

Notton near Wakefield

Contract No.3 tender of works of the Birmingham, Wolverhampton and Stour Valley Railway for William Shaw of Portbello, Wakefield, Yorkshire. With list of prices on the inner pages.

Contract No.3 of the Birmingham, Wolverhampton and Stour Valley Railway


Sheffield, Rotherham, Barnsley, Wakefield, Huddersfield and Goole Railway and William Shaw bond for performance of contract for the execution of works of railway and manitaining some for one year after completion. York. Dated 26th August 1847.

Sheffield, Rotherham, Barnsley


Birmingham, Wolverhampton & Dudley Railway, copies of contract, specification and schedules

Birmingham, Wolverhampton & Dudley Railway

Contract of 3 Nov 1853 between The Saint Katharine Dock Company, and William George Armstrong, George Cruddas and Richard Lambert of the Elswick Engine Works, Newcastle upon Tyne, for 'Machinery and Apparatus ... for the application of Hydraulic Power to the Cranage in or about the Saint Katharine Docks'.

Contract of 3 Nov 1853 between The Saint Katharine Dock Company