Object type
Place of origin

Ernemann Folding Bellows Camera and One Darkslide.

circa 1922

Leonar Folding Bellows Plate Camera and Three Single Darkslides.

circa 1914

'The International' Folding Bellows Tailboard Field or Stand Camera, Case and Three Book Form Double Darkslides.


Folding Klito No. 000 Bellows Camera and Three Single, Metal Darkslides.


Cameo Folding Plate Camera and Three Single Darkslides.


Folding Bellows Field and Stand Camera, Satchel, Three Bookform Double Darkslides and a Lens and Case.

circa 1900

ICA Bebe Camera and One Darkslide.


Two Wooden Double Darkslides

Wooden Double Darkslide

Wooden Double Darkslide

Wooden Double Darkslide

Wooden Double Darkslide

Wooden Double Darkslide

Wooden Double Darkslide

Metal darkslides

Popular Press Single Lens Reflex Camera and Accessories

circa 1920

'The Baroness' Folding Bellows Field or Stand Camera

circa 1900

Minex Tropical Model Camera, Case and One Darkslide.


Wooden Double Darkslide

Six Wooden Double Darkslides

Wooden Double Darkslide

Wooden Double Darkslide

Hand and Stand Camera and One Darkslide.


Wooden Double Darkslide

The Challenge wooden folding bellows camera for negatives 3 1/4" x 4 1/4". With rack and pinion focusing. Fitted with a fixed focus doublet lens about 6" f.1 and with wheel stops. Mounted in a Thornton Pickard roller blind shutter (time and instantaneous). Lens panel of rising front movement. Mahogany with brass fittings. Lizars, c1895.

Lizars 'The Challenge' Folding Bellows Plate Camera and 2 Darkslides.


Wet plate darkslide for 6 1/2 x 4 1/2 inch plates. Silver wires have been removed. Pressure spring is missing. Perhaps for the Ottewill camera. Fits 2001.

wet plate darkslide

Six darkslides with a fitted leatherette case for Adams & Co. Vesta, two plate adpators, a bookform darkslide holder, and a plate enclosed in a leather case with strap. In side the case, the label reads "The Westminster Photographic Exchange Ltd."

Darkslides and Accessories

The Clack folding bellows camera for negatives 3 1/4" x 4 1/4" plates or cutffilm. Drop-front pull-out type/ With double extension adn rack and pinion focusing. With rising front and side movement. Lens is interchangable. Fitted with a Lunar Anastigmat Series A F.4.8 120mm f.1 lens made by Rietschel. Mounted in a compund shutter with speeds 1sec 1/250sec B. & Z. With two levers adn brilliant waist-level viewfinder. Made of wood and metal covered in black leather. c.1910

The Clack Folding Bellows Camera and Three Metal Darkslides.

circa 1910

Premo No.12 folding bellows camera for plates or cutfilm 2 1/2 x 3 1/2. Drop-front pull-out type with manual focusing. Fitted with a Doublet lens approx F.II mounted in a Kodak ball-bearing shutter 1/25 1/100sec B. & T. With brilliant waist-level viewfinder. Made of metal with black leather covering. c. 1914. Included are two metal darkslides and a leather case.

Premo No.12 Folding Bellows Camera, Case and Two Metal Darkslides.

circa 1914

Collapsible folding bellows field or stand camera for negatives 3 1/4 x 4 1/4. With double extension bellows with cutt off corners, swing and reversing back, rising and tilting front with rack and pinon focusing. Fitted with a Taylor t. Hobson Cooke Primoplane lens F.6.5 4" f.1 mounted in a Thornton Pichard roller blind shutter with speeds 1/15, 1/90 sec B. Likely to be a Thornton Pickard Imperial. Of mahogany with brass fittings. c.1905. Also included are three bookform double darkslides.

Collapsible Folding Bellows Field or Stand Camera and Three Bookform Double Darkslides.


Tropical single lens reflex camera for plates or cutfilm, negative size 3 1/4 x 4 1/4". Rising front and reversing back movement. Rack and pinion focusing. Black leather bellows extension. Focal plane shutter not self capping, with speeds 1/10 - 1/1000sec and Time. Spring tension and curtain aperture function. Original lens changed to a Taylor Taylor Hobson Rapid Rectilinear F.8. 6.08" f.1. c.1920.

Tropical Single Lens Reflex Camera, Lens and One Double Darkslide.

circa 1920

Automatic repeating back for three colour photographs by Colour Photographs (B & F) Ltd., with six dark slides and two boxes of cut film holders, c. 1920.

Colour Camera Repeating Back


Six single metal and wood darkslides for 4x5" plates, with focusing screen in leather covered wooden box.

Set of Eastman Kodak darkslides in case

Folding bellows field or stand camera with triple extension. Fitted with a Symmetrical lens, F.8, 9inch f.l. Fitted in front of a Thornton Pickard roller blind shutter, speeds 1/5 to 1/90 sec. B. & T. c.1890.

The "Imperial" Folding Bellows Field or Stand Camera and Three Book Form Double Darkslides.


The Junior Sanderson folding hand camera and a darkslide, manufactured by George Houghton and Son, London, 1910

The Junior Sanderson folding hand camera and a darkslide


The G. Hare folding bellows field or stand camera for plates 6 1/2 x 4 3/4. Front standard has rising front and cross movement. Fitted with a Wray Acgromatic Landscape lens F.11 10" f.1 and a Dallmeyer Rapid Rectilinear F.7.5 7" f.1 lens. Diaphragm operated by lever. Made of mahogany with brass fittings. c.1895. Stored in a leather case with a handwritten note on the back, 'G. Irvine Robertson Glenelon Stirling'. Included are three double darkslides.

G Hare Folding Bellows Field or Stand Camera, Two Lenses, Case and Three Double Darkslides.


The Sanderson folding bellows field or stand camera for plates 4 3/4 x 6 1/2 and one darkslide. With double extension, tapered leather bellows, double swing and reversing back. Focusing by two rack and pinion mechanisms. Fitted with a Beck Steinheil 'Unofocal' patent Series 1 F.6.6 7.2" f.1 mounted in a Thornton Pickard roller-blind shutter. Polished teak with brass fittings. Houghton Ltd, c.1904.

Sanderson Folding Bellows Field or Stand Camera and Darkslide.


The Cameo folding bellows camera for plates or cutfilm 2 1/2 x 3 1/2". Front lens panel has rising front and side movement. Fitted wuth an Aldis Uno Anastigmat F.7.7 mounted in a Lukos II shutter, speeds 1/25, 1/100 B. & T. Focusing and viewing by briliant waist-level viewfinder or back ground-glass screen. Optical frame finder found on top. Drop-front base plate of aluminium. Main body of wood with black leather Houghtons Butcher, Included are two single metal darkslides. c. 1920

The Cameo Folding Bellows Camera and Two Single Metal Darkslides.

circa 1920

Single wooden darkslide for maximum 10 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches. With wetplate adaptor for 4 x 5 inch plates. Silver wire across corners sealed with sealing wax. Adaptor and holder stamped for 446.

Wetplate Darkslide

George Houghton and Sons "The Sanderson Regular" folding bellows hand or stand camera for plates 6 1/2 x 4 3/4, c. 1906. With double extensions, tapered red leather bellows and a reversing back. With rack and pinion focusing. Fitted with a Goerz Double Anastigmat Series 111/2 F.6.3 180mm lens mounted in a Bausch & Lomb pneumatic shutters, speeds 1 sec 1/100sec B. & T. With brilliant waist level viewfinder. Of mahogany with brass fittings covered in black leather. With wooden double darkslide.

The Sanderson Folding Bellows Camera and Darkslide


Shew 'Eclipse' 1/4-plate camera, with 3 slides, 1890.

Shew 'Eclipse' 1/4-plate camera


Folding bellows field or stand camera for negatives 4 3/4 x 6 1/2. With triple extension, tapered leather bellows, tilting and reversing back, rising and tilting front. With hinged lens panel. Fitted with a Taylor Taylor Hobson Cooke type Series IV F.5.6.8 1" f.1 to cover 7" x 5". Mounted in a Bausch & Lomb pneumatic shutter called Automat, speeds 1sec 1/100B. & T. c.1914. Of mahogany with brass fittings. With two double darkslides.

Folding Bellows Field or Stand Camera and Two Double Darkslides.

circa 1914

APEM single lens reflex camera for plates or cutfilm, negative size 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 and three metal darkslides. With reversing back and rising front lens panel. Shutter speeds vary by altering aperture of shutter blinds. Fitted with a Taylor Taylor Hobson Cooke Apem Anastigmat F.4.5 5.75" focal length. Made of wood and metal covered in black leather. c.1920.

APEM Single Lens Reflex Camera for Plates or Cutfilm and Three Metal Darkslides.

circa 1920

"The Princess May" folding bellows stand or field camera for negatives 4 3/4 x 6 1/2. With double extension, tapered leather bellows, reversing back and rising front. With rack and pinion focusing. Base board can be pulled out. Fitted with a Taylor & Hobson Rapid Rectilinear lens, F.8, 7 1/4 inch f.l. Royalty cameras c.1900.

"The Princess May" Folding Bellows Stand or Field Camera, a Single Darkslide and a Rapid Rectilinear Lens.

circa 1900

Folding camera for 6 x 4.5cm plates. f/6.8-31 lens, front element missing. Compound shutter 1/2/5/10/25/50/100/300/B/T. Screw rising and sliding cross front. Rack and pinion focusing, double extension. Brilliant reflecting rotating finder. Focusing screen missing. No. 56593. With one single metal darkslide and filmpack adaptor.

Miniature plate camera, metal darkslide and filmpack adaptor

Tenax folding bellows camera for negatives 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 plates or cutfilm. Drop-front with double bellows extension operated by rack and pinion mechanism. Rising fron and side movement lens panel. Fitted with a Goerz Tenastigmat F.6.3 12.5cm lens mounted in a dial set Compur shutter, speeds 1-1/250sec B. & T. With brilliant waist-level viewfinder with spirit level. Aluminium alloy body covered in black leather. With 6 single slides. c.1922

Tenax Folding Bellows Camera, Case and Six Single Darkslides.

circa 1922

Cameo plate camera. Folding camera for 3 1/4 x 3 1/4" plates. Aldis Uno Anastigmat lens F:5.5" f/7.7. Lukos III shutter. No 6648. With wallet with six single metal darkslides.

Cameo Plate Camera

The 'Sanderson' folding bellows camera for plates or cutfilm size 3 1/4" x 4 1/4", leather satchel and five wooden double darkslides. Rack and pinion focusing. More than double extensions. With waist-level viewfinder and ground glass back. has an interchangeable lens panel fitted with a Beck Double Aplanat F.7.7 6" f.1 lens mounted in a Bausch & Lomb Unicum shutter, speeds 1sec - 1/100 B. & T. Made of French polished mahogany with black leather cover and brass fittings and red leather bellows. George Houghton and Sons, c.1904

The 'Sanderson' Folding Bellows Camera for Plates or Cutfilm, Leather Satchel and Darkslides.