Ray optics demonstration apparatus consisting of a white semi-circular board fitted with a lamp housing on a rotating arm and clips for condenser lens, aperture plate, and paper, with a drawer containing (1) aperture plate with single narrow slit, (2) aperture plate with three slits, (3) aperture plate with single broad slit, (4) clamp for optical components, (5) convex cylindrical lens, (6) concave cylindrical lens, (7) plane mirror, ( 8) mirror holder, and (9) wooden support block Ray optics demonstration apparatus 1900-1980
Locomotive valve gear demonstration chassis, made by G. Cussons, c.1910. Locomotive valve gear demonstration chassis 1910
Melloni's apparatus by Elliott Bros., London, England, 1888. Comprising cast iron bed with three sliding uprights and one upright with radial arm carrying two sliding pillars and a counterweight, plus various accessory apparatus: Locatelli's lamp and reflector, spirit lamp with cover on sliding base, reflector with hook and platinum spiral for heat source, thermopile with double cone and with two caps, line thermopile, plain screen, hinged screen, screen with aperture disc, double screen, black mirror, Leslie's cube with holder, copper hood heat source, two plates of rock salt in glass container, glass cell, angled mica plates in fixed mount, angled mica plates in rotatable mount, mica plates fixed perpendicular to the radiation in rotatable mount, mica plates in frame for varying angle of incliation to the radiation, wooden clamp, and wooden table. Melloni's apparatus for demonstrating properties of infrared radiation 1888
Demonstration model of electrical friction machine Demonstration model of electrical friction machine 1954
Gas cap demonstrator, bedward type, coal mining use, from Agecroft Colliery. Gas cap demonstrator, coal mining